الم alam
A الم alam, s.m. Pain, anguish, torment; grief, affliction:—alam-nāk, adj. Full of pain, agonizing; full of sorrow.
الم نشرح alam nashraḥ, The title and the opening words of Sūra 94 of the Qorʼān
A الم نشرح alam nashraḥ, The title and the opening words of Sūra 94 of the Qorʼān), adj. Lit. "have we not opened" (thy breast);—manifest, clear, evident, well-known.
علم ʻalam v.n. fr. علم 'to know,' c.
A علم ʻalam (v.n. fr. علم 'to know,' &c.), s.m. A mark, sign, token, &c. (=ʻalāmat, q.v.); figured, or embroidered, work (on a cloth or garment); a decoration;—a spear; a flag (or strip of cloth, that is tied upon the spear); a banner, standard; the spear-headed hanner of Ḥasan and Ḥusain (that is carried in procession at the Moḥarram festival);—(in Gram.) a proper name or noun:—(in Geom.) a gnomon:—ʻalam-bardār, or ʻalam-dār, s.m. A standard-bearer.
اعلم aʻlam
A اعلم aʻlam, adj. compar. and superl. (of عالم ʻālim), Wiser; wisest; very wise.
آلام ālām
A آلام ālām, s.m. pl. (of الم alam), Pains, griefs, cares, misfortunes.