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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


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Dictionary matches for "maal"




wealth, property, riches, stock

परिणाम, निष्कर्ष, नतीजा, अंत, ख़ातिमा, फल, प्रतिकार, बदल,--“मआलेसोजे ग़महाए निहानी देखते जाओ"--फानी ।



Pen name of poet



agreeable, very charming, beautiful, graceful

जिसमें लवण यानी नमक हो, नमकीन, साँवला, सलोना।।



Agreement, Amity, Match


مال माल māl

H مال माल māl [Prk. मल्लो; S. मल्लः], s.m. A wrestler, professional boxer, prize-fighter; an athlete, a champion, a hero (syn. pahlawān).

مال māl

A مال māl, s.m. Riches, money, property, wealth, possessions, merchandise, stock, goods, effects, estate; rent or revenue (from land);—finance;—a prize (in a lottery, &c.); any great thing, a something, a thing of importance or consequence (e.g. wǒh kyā māl hai ki maiṅ usko girā na sakūṅgā); a dainty, tit-bit;—square (of a number, e.g. 9 is the māl of 3);—indigo dye, manufactured indigo, or the plant in the leaf and bundle (opp. to pāb), the granulated sediment in an indigo vat after heating and drawing off the water:—māl uṛānā, To squander wealth, &c.;—to feed on dainties:—māluʼl-māl, s.m. The square of a square, the fourth power:—māl-ā-māl, adj. Heaped, brimful; full, replete, abundant;—māl-ā-māl karnā, v.t. To heap up; to fill to the brim;—to enrich:—māl-ě-amwāt, s.m. Property left by a deceased person; unappropriated or unclaimed property:—māl bar-āmad, s.m. Export;—recovered property (=māl bar-āmada);—property left by a criminal (=māl guẕāshtaʼě mujrim):—māl bar-āmad aur dar-āmad-kī wuṣūl-bāqī, Balance of exports and imports, balance of trade:—māl be-khaṭke, s.m. Unencumbered property:—māl ćīrnā, To embezzle property:—māl-ě-ḥiṣṣa-dārī, s.f. Joint stock:—māl-ḵẖāna, s.m. A treasury; storehouse:—māl-ḵẖāwand, vulg. māl-ḵẖāwind, s.m. A man of property; a proprietor:—māl-dār, adj. & s.m. Wealthy, rich, moneyed;—a wealthy person; a proprietor:—māl-dārī, s.f. Wealthiness;—opulence, wealth:—māl-dār-ě-amānat, s.m. A trustee:—māl-dhanī, s.m. A wealthy man; a proprietor:—māl-zāda, s.m. A son of a whore, a pimp or pander:—māl-zādī, s.f. A bawd, whore:—māl-ě-sāʼir, s.m. Misoellaneous revenues (from customs and other sources, exclusive of land); duties:—māl-ě-sharākat, s.m. Joint or undivided property; joint stock:—māl-ẓāmin, s.m. A person who stands security (for property, or money, in opp. to ḥāẓir-ẓāmin), a surety, bondsman (for the payment of rent or a debt):—māl-ẓāminī, s.f. Security (for rent or debt); pecuniary bail; security in property:—māl-ě-ẓabt̤ī, s.m. Attached property, escheat:—māl-ě-g̠anīmāt, s.m. Plunder, spoil:—māl-ě-g̠air-manqūla, s.m. Real or immovable property:—māl-ě-farod, s.m. Bonded goods, warehoused goods:—māl-kā band-o-bast, Settlement of the revenue:—māl kaṭnā, Property to be (cut off, or) stolen;—goods to be sold in large quantities (baṛā being generally expressed, e.g. wahāṅ baṛā māl kaṭtā hai):—māl-gāṛī, s.f. Goods'-van, luggage-van;—luggage (or goods') train:—māl-guẕār, adj. & s.m. Paying rent or taxes;—one who pays revenue to (or holds land under) government, a landholder, landlord, a manager of cultivation and village matters, a tenant, a subject:—māl-guẕārī, s.f. Land-revenue; rent paid in money;—the paying of rent and taxes;—the state of a renter;—assessed land:—māl-ě-lā-wāris̤, s.m. Unclaimed property, escheat:—māl-mārū, s.m. One who embezzles:—māl-ě-matrūka, or māl-ě-maurūs̤a, s.m. A bequest, legacy:—māl-mujrim, s.m. 'Criminal and property'; a criminal with property:—māl-ě-maḥmūla, s.m. Goods on board; cargo:—māl-ě-mardum-ḵẖor, s.m. A consumer of the property of others; a swindler; one who embezzles; one who borrows and never pays:—māl-mast, adj. Intoxicated with wealth, purse-proud, boastful:—māl-mastī, s.f. Pride of wealth:—māl-ě-muft (or muft-kā māl), s.m. Property acquired without cost or labour:—māl-ě-maqrūqa, s.m. Distrained or attached property:—māl-ě-manqūla, s.m. Personal or movable property:—māl-o-matāʻ, s.m. Money and effects:—māl-wālā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī) = māl-dār, q.v.:—māl-ě-waqf, s.m. Property devoted to religious purposes:—murde-kā māl, Unclaimed property;—anything bought cheap or got for nothing:—naqd māl, s.m. A valuable prize; a dainty, tit-bit, delicacy.

مال माल māl

H مال माल māl [Prk. मल्लं; S. माल्यं;—or S. माला], s.f.

A wreath, garland, &c. (=mālā); string (of a spinning-wheel, or of a reel, &c.); (in Mech.) belting:—māl-kaṅgunī (or kaṅgnī), or māl-kāknī, s.f. The staff-tree, Celastrus paniculatus, or C. nutans (the aromatic bitter seeds yield an empyreumatic oil (Oleum nigrum) which is used in lamps; and in medicine, having been found a successful remedy in beriberi, rheumatism, and paralysis, &c.).

ميل मैल mail

H ميل मैल mail [prob. S. मलं; but cf. mailā], s.f. Dirt, filth; pollution; scum; rust; (met.) sadness; vexation, displeasure:—mail baiṭhnā (-par), Dirt, &c. to settle (or); to gather a crust; to become rusty:—mail ćhāṅṭnā (-),

To fine, refine; to strain; to purify; to clarify; to wash (clothes):—mail-ḵẖorā, s.m. A coloured garment worn over the clothes to keep the dirt off them; an apron;—an under-vestment (as a petticoat, &c.);—a garment which has become dirty and discoloured;—cast-off clothes:—mail-kā bail banānā, 'To turn mail into bail'; to multiply words:—mail kāṭnā (-) = mail ćhāṅṭnā, q.v.:—mail-kućail, or mail-kućailā, adj. contrac. of mailā-kućailā, q.v.:—mail lānā, v.n. To be sad, or sorry; to be vexed, or displeased.

مول मूल mūl

H مول मूल mūl [S. मूलं], s.m. Root (of a plant or tree); a root (lit. and met.); basis, groundwork, beginning, principle, origin, source, cause;—bottom (of anything); foot of a mountain, &c.); lower part, or end; basis, foundation;—end, or juncture (of anything);—generation, race, stock;—original property, capital, principal, stock-in-trade (syn. aṣl);—original, original text (of any work, as distinguished from the ṭīkā, or commentary);—(in Arith.) the square root (i.q. barg-mūl; syn. jaẕr);—the twenty-fourth (or, according to some, the seventeenth, or the nineteenth) Nakshatra or lunar asterism (containing eleven stars, which appear to be the same as those in the tail of Scorpio, and are considered unlucky);—adj. & adv. Radical; original; proper; real;—radically; really:—mūl-pāṭh, s.m. The basis or text of a lesson, or lecture, or discourse:—mūl-patr, s.m. Original deed, document, or writing:—mūl-tattva, s.m. Essential root or origin:—mūl-dravya, or mūl-dhan, s.m. Original property; capital, principal, stock (syn. aṣluʼl-māl):—mūl-gyān-āśay, s.m. The essence, or drift, of wisdom:—mūl-samāntā, s.f. Equality with, or resemblance to, the root or origin:—mūl-sambandh, s.m. Connexion with the root, origin, or source:—mūl-svar, s.m. (in Gram.) A primary or simple vowel:—mūl-śikshā, s.f. Elementary or fundamental instruction:—mūl-karttā, s.m. The author of an original work;—an epithet of the Great creator:—mūl-gāoṅ, s.m. The original, or old-established, village;—the native village of the founder of a race or family:—mūl-vān, adj. (f. -vatī), Possessing roots; possessing edible roots;—practising magic with roots (?).


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