متلب मतलब matlab
H متلب मतलब matlab, s.m. corr. of مطلب mat̤lab, q.v.
مطلب mat̤lab inf. n. of طلب 'to seek, desire, dedemand,' c.
A مطلب mat̤lab (inf. n. of طلب 'to seek, desire, dedemand,' &c.), s.m. A question, demand, request, petition; proposition; wish, desire; object, intention, aim, purpose, pursuit, motive;—adv. To come to (one's) object; in short:—mat̤lab-barārī, s.f. The discharge or performance of a work; the accomplishment of an object, attainment of an end:—mat̤lab-barārī karnā, or mat̤lab bar-lānā (apnā), To give effect to (one's) wish or intention; to accomplish, or bring about (one's) object, or end:—mat̤lab rakhnā, To have some motive; to be interested, &c. (syn. garaẓ rakhnā):—mat̤lab-kā yār, s.m. A friend for his own interests, or through interested motives; a time-serving, or a selfish, friend:—mat̤lab-ko pahuṅćnā, To accomplish (one's) object, to gain (one's) end, to get what one wanted:—mat̤lab-kī ghāt ćalnā, To pursue what is for one's own interest, or to look to one's own interest:—mat̤lab nikālnā (-se), To effect one's purpose (by or through), to make what use one desired (of):—mat̤lab honā, A desire to be accomplished, an end to be gained:—mat̤lab ho-jānā, To be all up (with one), to be reduced to the last extremity:—mat̤lab yěh hai, The purport is this; in short, in brief.
مطالب mat̤ālib
A مطالب mat̤ālib, s.m. pl. (of mat̤lab, q.v.), Questions, demands, petitions; propositions; requisitions; researches; purposes, wishes, desires.
مطلوب mat̤lūb pass. part. of طلب 'to seek, request, demand,' c.
A مطلوب mat̤lūb (pass. part. of طلب 'to seek, request, demand,' &c.), = P مطلوبه mat̤lūba (for A. مطلوبة mat̤lūbat, fem. of mat̤lūb), part. adj. Sought, required, demanded, desired, longed for; wanted, needed, necessary;—s.m. A quest; a desire; an object, a purpose.