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Dictionary matches for "maze"




pleasures, joys



taste, flavour, relish, pleasure

स्वाद, ज़ाइक़ा, आनंद, लुत्फ़, तमाशा, सैर, दंड, सज़ा।



topic, subject, object, postulate





مزه maza

P مزه maza [prob. Zend mazaṅh; S. महस्; but cf. A. mazzat, inf. n. of un. of مزّ 'to suck,' &c.], s.m. Taste savour, smack, relish; delight, pleasure, enjoyment; anything agreeable to the palate or to the mind, &c.; a delicacy, a tidbit; a bon-mot; jest, joke, fun, sport, amusement:—maza uṛānā, v.n. To give free scope to pleasure or enjoyment, to enjoy oneself, to revel (in):—maza ćaḵẖānā or ćakhā-denā, or maza dikhānā (-ko), To give (one) a taste (of, -); to show (one) some sport or fun, to afford (one) enjoyment; (ironic.) to spoil the pleasure, or enjoyment, or sport (of):—maza-dār, vulg. maze-dār, adj. Tasty, savoury, tasteful, palatable, delicious:—maza-dārī, vulg. maze-dārī, s.f. Tastiness, savouriness, deliciousness;—taste, flavour;—pleasure, enjoyment:—maze karnā, To enjoy oneself; to enjoy or amuse oneself (at the expense of), to make sport or fun (of), to laugh (at):—maze-kā, adj. (f. -) = maza-dār, q.v.;—maze-kī bāt, A thing that affords pleasure, or amusement; anything strange or funny; a jest, joke, pleasantry:—maza lenā, or maza lūṭnā, To take pleasure, to enjoy ooneself, to revel (syn. maza uṛānā):—be-maza, adj. Tasteless, insipid, flavourless, vapid;—out of humour, displeased, offended.

موجي maujī mauj, q.v.+ī = S. इन्

P موجي maujī (mauj, q.v.+ī = S. इन्), adj. Whimsical;—emotional (i.q. lahrī, q.v.).

ماضي māẓī act. part. of مضي 'to pass by'

A ماضي māẓī (act. part. of مضي 'to pass by'), part. adj. & s.m. Passing by, past;—past time, the past;—the preterite or past tense (also feʻl-ě-māẓī);—māẓī istimrārī, The past imperfect; the past progressive or continuous, the past habitual:—māẓī baʻīd, 'The remote past,' the pluperfect:—māẓī qarīb, 'The proximate past,' the perfect tense:—māẓī mashkūk, or māẓī shakkī, or māẓī ěḥtimālī, The past subjunctive, the past dubious:—māẓī mut̤laq, The absolute or indefinite past, the preterite positive:—māẓī maʻt̤ūf ʻalaih, or māẓī maʻt̤ūfa, The past conjunctive participle:—māẓī nā-tamām, The past imperfect, &c. (=māẓī istimrārī).

موضوع mauẓūʻ pass. part. of وضع 'to place,' c.

A موضوع mauẓūʻ (pass. part. of وضع 'to place,' &c.), part. adj. Placed, situated; fixed, established; assigned;—taken for granted, assumed;—conventional (as a phrase, &c.);—s.m. Site, position, situation;—subject (of a speech, &c.); object (of a science, &c., e.g. mauẓūʻ-ě-ʻilm); (in Gram.) a word;—a postulate.

موزه moza prob. akin to S. मोच, caus. of rt. मुच्

P موزه moza (prob. akin to S. मोच, caus. of rt. मुच्), s.m. A stocking;—a boot;—a glove:—moza-gīr, adj. & s.m. Biting (or a horse that bites) at the foot or leg of his rider.


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