رخته reḵẖta
P رخته reḵẖta [perf. part. of reḵẖtan, rt. Zend rić = S. रिच्; cf. S. रेचित], part. adj. Poured out; scattered; mixed;—s.m. 'The mixed dialect,' the Hindūstānī or Urdū language (as used by men, cf. reḵẖtī);—a Hindūstānī ode;—mortar, plaster.
ريختي reḵẖtī fr. reḵẖta
H ريختي reḵẖtī (fr. reḵẖta), s.f. Hindūstānī verse written in the language of women, and expressing the sentiments, &c. peculiar to them. (The two principal writers in this idiom are the poets Rangīn and Jān Sāḥib.)
دوخته doḵẖta perf. part. of doḵẖtan; see doḵẖt
P دوخته doḵẖta (perf. part. of doḵẖtan; see doḵẖt), part. adj. Sewed, stitched; fixed (as the eye or sight), transfixed.
ديکهتا देखता dekhtā
H ديکهتا देखता dekhtā = H ديکهت देखत dekhat [imperf. part. of dekhnā, and=Prk. दक्खंतं and दक्खंतअं; see dekhnā], part. adj. & adv. Seeing;—whilst seeing or looking at; at sight (of):—dekhat-bhulī, s.f. Deception or fascination of the sight, ocular deception;—a maze, labyrinth;—a kind of convoluted and intricate embroidery work on net or muslin:—dekhat-meṅ, adv. To look at, to all appearance:—dekhte-dekhte, adv. Before the eyes, in the presence (of, -ke, or -mere, &c.);—through long or continued looking:—dekhte rah-jānā, v.n. To stand still looking, to stand gazing (in wonder, or disappointment, &c.), to remain agape:—dekhte rahnā, v.n. To keep on the watch, to look (after); to continue looking.