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Dictionary matches for "tu"















تو तू tū

H تو तू [Ap. Prk. तुहुं or तुहं, fr. Prk. base तु(S.त्व)+gen. aff. हुं, &c.], pers. pron. Thou (used to imply depreciation or contempt; or by way of familiarity, or endearment; or, in addressing the Deity, to imply extreme reverence):—tū-tāṛaq karnā, tū-tū karnā, tū-karnā, v.t. To thou and thee, to address rudely or disrespectfully; to wrangle, quarrel; to abuse:—tū-tū maiṅ-maiṅ, s.f. 'Thou thou, I I'; altercation, wrangling, squabbling; abusing:—-tū maiṅ-main karnā, v.t. To wrangle, squabble; to abuse:—tū-hī, pron. (emphat.) Thou thyself, even thou.

توي toy, toʼě

P توي toy, toʼě, s.f. (?), Feast, entertainment.

تا ता tā

H تا ता , = H ت ति ti, [Prk. तेहि, तेवहि, तिवहि (hi being the gen. or obl. suff., and omitted in Hindī); S. तावत्], Inflected bases (in Braj) of the sing. of the pers. pron. of the third person, corresponding to the Hindī us; tis; 'him, her, it' (e.g. tā-kau = us-kā; tā-kī = tis-kī; tā-te or tā-teṅ = tis-se).

تاو ताव tāʼo, tāv

H & P تاو ताव tāʼo, tāv [Prk. तावो; S. तापः], s.m. Heating (metals, &c.); heat, fusion; proof, trial, assay; passion, wrath, rage; strength, power; speed; splendour, dignity (these five meanings are peculiar to the Persian tāv, which, as regards the first three, is related to the Sanskrit tavās);—turning or twisting (metals, orig. by heating); contortion, twist, coil, curl, roll, fold; a sheet of paper:—tāʼoband, s.m. Name of a powder or substance which, mixed with gold or silver, prevents the detection of adulteration:—tāʼo-bhāʼo, adj. & adv. Very little:—tāʼo denā (-ko), To heat; to anneal; to melt, fuze;—to twist (cord, &c.), to curl or twist (the mustache, &c.):—tāʼo khānā, v.n. To be heated, be made red hot; to be overdone, be scorched or burnt; to be overheated (as the blood); to be inflamed, be enraged.

تائي ताई tāʼī fem. of tāyā = tāʼū

H تائي ताई tāʼī (fem. of tāyā = tāʼū), s.f. The wife of a father's elder brother; paternal uncle's wife; a term of respectful compellation or mention of a female generally.


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