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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

Mirza Hadi Ruswa's Photo'

Mirza Hadi Ruswa

1858 - 1931 | Lucknow, India

Mirza Hadi Ruswa

Ghazal 3


Sher-o-Shayari 31

dillī chhuTī thī pahle ab lucknow bhī chhoḌeñ

do shahar the ye apne donoñ tabāh nikle

dilli chhuTi thi pahle ab lucknow bhi chhoDen

do shahar the ye apne donon tabah nikle

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Talnā thā mere paas se ai kāhilī tujhe

kam-baḳht to aa ke yahīñ Dher ho ga.ī

Talna tha mere pas se ai kahili tujhe

kam-baKHt tu to aa ke yahin Dher ho gai

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marne ke din qarīb haiñ shāyad ki ai hayāt

tujh se tabī.at apnī bahut sair ho ga.ī

marne ke din qarib hain shayad ki ai hayat

tujh se tabiat apni bahut sair ho gai

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hañs ke kahtā hai musavvir se vo ġhārat-gar-e-hosh

jaisī sūrat hai mirī vaisī tasvīr bhī ho

hans ke kahta hai musawwir se wo ghaarat-gar-e-hosh

jaisi surat hai meri waisi hi taswir bhi ho

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ham ko bhī kyā kyā maze dāstāneñ yaad thiiñ

lekin ab tamhīd-e-zikr-e-dard-o-mātam ho ga.iiñ

hum ko bhi kya kya maze ki dastanen yaad thin

lekin ab tamhid-e-zikr-e-dard-o-matam ho gain

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