tu kahan jaegi kuchh apna Thikana kar le

tu kahan jaegi kuchh apna Thikana kar le
Momin Khan Momin
MORE BYMomin Khan Momin
tū kahāñ jā.egī kuchh apnā Thikāna kar le
ham to kal ḳhvāb-e-adam meñ shab-e-hijrāñ hoñge
where will you go I worry, do find a place to stay
O lonely night tomorrow, death will take me away
tu kahan jaegi kuchh apna Thikana kar le
hum to kal KHwab-e-adam mein shab-e-hijran honge
where will you go I worry, do find a place to stay
O lonely night tomorrow, death will take me away
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