ghazab ke taish mein wo shoKH-dida aaya tha

ghazab ke taish mein wo shoKH-dida aaya tha
Pandit Jawahar Nath Saqi
MORE BYPandit Jawahar Nath Saqi
ġhazab ke taish meñ vo shoḳh-dīda aayā thā
ba-shakl-e-qahr thā ḳhanjar-kashīda aayā thā
sulūk-e-husn-e-ta.alluq bane ye hañgāma
ki har taraf se burīda ramīda aayā thā
kiyā thā shauq ne betāb diida ne muztar
vo zauq-e-lutf kā lazzat-chashīda aayā thā
vafā-misāl sarāpā niyāz bā-tamkīñ
faqīr pā-e-ba-dāman-kashīda aayā thā
huā na qurb-e-ta.alluq kā iḳhtisās yahāñ
ye rū-shanās zi-rā-e-ba.īda aayā thā
diyā na sāqī-e-ra.anā ne jām-e-kaif-e-murād
salā-e-ām kā shohrā shunīda aayā thā
ghazab ke taish mein wo shoKH-dida aaya tha
ba-shakl-e-qahr tha KHanjar-kashida aaya tha
suluk-e-husn-e-talluq bane ye hangama
ki har taraf se burida ramida aaya tha
kiya tha shauq ne betab dida ne muztar
wo zauq-e-lutf ka lazzat-chashida aaya tha
wafa-misal sarapa niyaz ba-tamkin
faqir pa-e-ba-daman-kashida aaya tha
hua na qurb-e-talluq ka iKHtisas yahan
ye ru-shanas zi-ra-e-baida aaya tha
diya na saqi-e-rana ne jam-e-kaif-e-murad
sala-e-am ka shohra shunida aaya tha
- Book : Kulliyat-e-Saaqi (Pg. e-48 p-45)
- Author : Pandit Jawahar Nath Saqi
- Publication : Pandit Jawahar Nath Saqi (1926)
- Edition : 1926
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