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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


hai bas-ki har ek un ke ishaare mein nishan aur

Mirza Ghalib

hai bas-ki har ek un ke ishaare mein nishan aur

Mirza Ghalib

hai bas-ki har ik un ke ishāre meñ nishāñ aur

karte haiñ mohabbat to guzartā hai gumāñ aur

in every gesture of her's, there, ulterior motive lies

when she professes love, therefore, suspicion does arise

yā-rab vo na samjhe haiñ na samjheñge mirī baat

de aur dil un ko jo na de mujh ko zabāñ aur

O Lord! She never understood nor ever will my plea

give her another heart or else the gift of speech to me

abrū se hai kyā us nigah-e-nāz ko paivand

hai tiir muqarrar magar is hai kamāñ aur

her glance is not connected to the arch upon her brow

an arrow it is certainly, but somewhere else the bow

tum shahr meñ ho to hameñ kyā ġham jab uTheñge

le ā.eñge bāzār se kar dil o jaañ aur

when your'e in town why should I fret at losing life and heart

from lovesick suitors I can buy these freely in the mart

har chand subuk-dast hue but-shikanī meñ

ham haiñ to abhī raah meñ hai sañg-e-girāñ aur

although in breaking idols I, can claim celerity

so long as I exists till then, stones in the path will be

hai ḳhūn-e-jigar josh meñ dil khol ke rotā

hote jo ka.ī dīda-e-ḳhūñ-nāba-fishāñ aur

blood of my liver's patience boils, my heart would freely weep

if many more eyes could obtain, from which this blood wcould seep

martā huuñ is āvāz pe har chand sar uḌ jaa.e

jallād ko lekin vo kahe jaa.eñ ki haañ aur

I die to hear that voice, although, my head it may sever

yes! strike again she keeps telling, the executioner

logoñ ko hai ḳhurshīd-e-jahāñ-tāb dhokā

har roz dikhātā huuñ maiñ ik dāġh-e-nihāñ aur

in error, world-illuming sun men think it when they view

each day, a burning scar concealed, that I display anew

letā na agar dil tumheñ detā koī dam chain

kartā jo na martā koī din āh-o-fuġhāñ aur

had I not given you my heart, life would, in peace, have spent

had I not died, would bide my time, in weeping and lament

paate nahīñ jab raah to chaḌh jaate haiñ naale

ruktī hai mirī tab.a to hotī hai ravāñ aur

when they don't find path to escape, rivers tend to rise

thus when my temperament's contrained, further intensifies

haiñ aur bhī duniyā meñ suḳhan-var bahut achchhe

kahte haiñ ki 'ġhālib' hai andāz-e-bayāñ aur

while there are many poets great, for in the world to speak

but it is said that Gaalib does, possess a style unique

hai bas-ki har ek un ke ishaare mein nishan aur

karte hain mohabbat to guzarta hai guman aur

in every gesture of her's, there, ulterior motive lies

when she professes love, therefore, suspicion does arise

ya-rab wo na samjhe hain na samjhenge meri baat

de aur dil un ko jo na de mujh ko zaban aur

O Lord! She never understood nor ever will my plea

give her another heart or else the gift of speech to me

abru se hai kya us nigah-e-naz ko paiwand

hai tir muqarrar magar is ki hai kaman aur

her glance is not connected to the arch upon her brow

an arrow it is certainly, but somewhere else the bow

tum shahr mein ho to hamein kya gham jab uThenge

le aaenge bazar se ja kar dil o jaan aur

when your'e in town why should I fret at losing life and heart

from lovesick suitors I can buy these freely in the mart

har chand subuk-dast hue but-shikani mein

hum hain to abhi rah mein hai sang-e-giran aur

although in breaking idols I, can claim celerity

so long as I exists till then, stones in the path will be

hai KHun-e-jigar josh mein dil khol ke rota

hote jo kai dida-e-KHun-naba-fishan aur

blood of my liver's patience boils, my heart would freely weep

if many more eyes could obtain, from which this blood wcould seep

marta hun is aawaz pe har chand sar uD jae

jallad ko lekin wo kahe jaen ki han aur

I die to hear that voice, although, my head it may sever

yes! strike again she keeps telling, the executioner

logon ko hai KHurshid-e-jahan-tab ka dhoka

har roz dikhata hun main ek dagh-e-nihan aur

in error, world-illuming sun men think it when they view

each day, a burning scar concealed, that I display anew

leta na agar dil tumhein deta koi dam chain

karta jo na marta koi din aah-o-fughan aur

had I not given you my heart, life would, in peace, have spent

had I not died, would bide my time, in weeping and lament

pate nahin jab rah to chaDh jate hain nale

rukti hai meri taba to hoti hai rawan aur

when they don't find path to escape, rivers tend to rise

thus when my temperament's contrained, further intensifies

hain aur bhi duniya mein suKHan-war bahut achchhe

kahte hain ki 'ghaalib' ka hai andaz-e-bayan aur

while there are many poets great, for in the world to speak

but it is said that Gaalib does, possess a style unique

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