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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


hamrah mere koi musafir na chala tha

Shabnam Shakeel

hamrah mere koi musafir na chala tha

Shabnam Shakeel

MORE BYShabnam Shakeel

    hamrāh mire koī musāfir na chalā thā

    dhokā mujhe ḳhud apnī aahaT se huā thā

    masdūd huī jis har ik rāh-e-sarāsar

    is saf meñ mujhe ke khaḌā kis ne kiyā thā

    jumbish se hoñToñ jo kuchh samjho to samjho

    is guñg-mahal meñ to bas itnā ravā thā

    ta.amīr hue ghar to ga.e jaane kahāñ vo

    jin ḳhāna-ba-doshoñ yahāñ ḳhema lagā thā

    dhundlā.e ḳhad-o-ḳhāl gar us ke to ajab kyā

    dekhe hue yuuñ bhī use yug biit gayā thā

    shab sho.ala-ba-dāmāñ to sahar soḳhta-sāmāñ

    do ruup badaltā thā ajab vo bhī diyā thā

    hamrah mere koi musafir na chala tha

    dhoka mujhe KHud apni hi aahaT se hua tha

    masdud hui jis ki har ek rah-e-sarasar

    is saf mein mujhe la ke khaDa kis ne kiya tha

    jumbish hi se honTon ki jo kuchh samjho to samjho

    is gung-mahal mein to bas itna hi rawa tha

    tamir hue ghar to gae jaane kahan wo

    jin KHana-ba-doshon ka yahan KHema laga tha

    dhundlae KHad-o-KHal gar us ke to ajab kya

    dekhe hue yun bhi use yug bit gaya tha

    shab shoala-ba-daman to sahar soKHta-saman

    do rup badalta tha ajab wo bhi diya tha

    Source :
    • Book : Shab Zaad (Pg. 61)
    • Author : Shabnam Shakeel
    • Publication : Mavaraa Publications (1978)
    • Edition : 1978

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