kam-fahm hain to kam hain pareshaniyon mein hum

kam-fahm hain to kam hain pareshaniyon mein hum
Shefta Mustafa Khan
MORE BYShefta Mustafa Khan
kam-fahm haiñ to kam haiñ pareshāniyoñ meñ ham
dānā.iyoñ se achchhe haiñ nādāniyoñ meñ ham
in my lack of knowledge, less troubles bother me
much better than being wise has been behaving foolishly
shāyad raqīb Duub mareñ bahr-e-sharm meñ
Dūbeñge mauj-e-ashk kī tuġhyāniyoñ meñ ham
it could be in a sea of shame my rival will be drowned
I, sunken in the stormy waves of envy will be found
mohtāj-e-faiz-e-nāmiya kyuuñ hote is qadar
karte jo soch kuchh jigar-afshāniyoñ meñ ham
why then beholden to the grace of life-force, would I be
if scattering my heart around, I'd acted thoughtfully
pahuñchā.ī ham ne mashq yahāñ tak ki ho ga.e
ustād-e-andalīb navā-ḳhvāniyoñ meñ ham
this practice I have taken to such heights that I can claim
to have surpassed the nightingale and put all bards to shame
ġhairoñ ke saath aap bhī uThte haiñ bazm se
lo mezbān ban ga.e mehmāniyoñ meñ ham
when with my rivals you too rise to leave the company
Instead of being among the guests, the host I'm held to be
jin jin ke tū mazār se guzrā vo jī uThe
baaqī rahe haiñ ek tire fāniyoñ meñ ham
whoever's grave you ventured past, a new life did obtain
of all who perished in your love, alone do I remain
gustāḳhiyoñ se ġhair kī un ko malāl hai
mash.hūr hote kaash adab-dāniyoñ meñ ham
my rival's actions coarse and crude so hurtful did she find
if only I was famous for being cultured and refined
dekhā jo zulf-e-yār ko taskīn ho ga.ī
yak-chand muztarib the pareshāniyoñ meñ ham
when her tresses I beheld, peace only then I found
I was restless until now as troubles did surround
āñkhoñ se yuuñ ishāra-e-dushman na dekhte
hote na is qadar jo nigahbāniyoñ meñ ham
signals my rival made to her I never would have seen
if amongst her sentinels, like this, I had not been
jo jaan kho ke paa.eñ to fauz-e-azīm hai
vo chiiz DhūñDte haiñ tan-āsāniyoñ meñ ham
a prize is truly worthy if obtained at cost of life
we seek for things which we can get without a hint of strife
pīr-e-muġhāñ ke faiz-e-tavajjoh se 'sheftā'
aksar sharāb piite haiñ rūhāniyoñ meñ ham
sheftaa, the tavern's elder casts his favors, grace on me
I often get the chance to drink in pious company
kam-fahm hain to kam hain pareshaniyon mein hum
danaiyon se achchhe hain nadaniyon mein hum
in my lack of knowledge, less troubles bother me
much better than being wise has been behaving foolishly
shayad raqib Dub maren bahr-e-sharm mein
Dubenge mauj-e-ashk ki tughyaniyon mein hum
it could be in a sea of shame my rival will be drowned
I, sunken in the stormy waves of envy will be found
mohtaj-e-faiz-e-namiya kyun hote is qadar
karte jo soch kuchh jigar-afshaniyon mein hum
why then beholden to the grace of life-force, would I be
if scattering my heart around, I'd acted thoughtfully
pahunchai hum ne mashq yahan tak ki ho gae
ustad-e-andalib nawa-KHwaniyon mein hum
this practice I have taken to such heights that I can claim
to have surpassed the nightingale and put all bards to shame
ghairon ke sath aap bhi uThte hain bazm se
lo mezban ban gae mehmaniyon mein hum
when with my rivals you too rise to leave the company
Instead of being among the guests, the host I'm held to be
jin jin ke tu mazar se guzra wo ji uThe
baqi rahe hain ek tere faniyon mein hum
whoever's grave you ventured past, a new life did obtain
of all who perished in your love, alone do I remain
gustaKHiyon se ghair ki un ko malal hai
mashhur hote kash adab-daniyon mein hum
my rival's actions coarse and crude so hurtful did she find
if only I was famous for being cultured and refined
dekha jo zulf-e-yar ko taskin ho gai
yak-chand muztarib the pareshaniyon mein hum
when her tresses I beheld, peace only then I found
I was restless until now as troubles did surround
aankhon se yun ishaara-e-dushman na dekhte
hote na is qadar jo nigahbaniyon mein hum
signals my rival made to her I never would have seen
if amongst her sentinels, like this, I had not been
jo jaan kho ke paen to fauz-e-azim hai
wo chiz DhunDte hain tan-asaniyon mein hum
a prize is truly worthy if obtained at cost of life
we seek for things which we can get without a hint of strife
pir-e-mughan ke faiz-e-tawajjoh se 'shefta'
aksar sharab pite hain ruhaniyon mein hum
sheftaa, the tavern's elder casts his favors, grace on me
I often get the chance to drink in pious company
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