sayon se lipaT rahe the sae

sayon se lipaT rahe the sae
Sufi Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum
MORE BYSufi Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum
sāyoñ se lipaT rahe the saa.e
dil phir bhī fazā meñ jagmagā.e
be-sarfa bhaTak rahī thiiñ rāheñ
ham nūr-e-sahar ko DhūñD laa.e
ye gardish-e-rozgār kyā hai
ham shām-o-sahar ko dekh aa.e
har sub.h tirī nazar kā partav
har shaam tirī bhavoñ ke saa.e
hai fasl-e-bahār kā ye dastūr
jo aa.e chaman meñ muskurā.e
kyā chiiz hai ye fasāna-e-dil
jab kahne lageñ to bhuul jaa.e
tum hī na samajh sake mirī baat
ab kis kī samajh meñ baat aa.e
suunī rahī intizār kī raat
ashkoñ ne bahut diye jalā.e
vo din jo bahār-e-zindagī the
vo din kabhī lauT kar na aa.e
sayon se lipaT rahe the sae
dil phir bhi faza mein jagmagae
be-sarfa bhaTak rahi thin rahen
hum nur-e-sahar ko DhunD lae
ye gardish-e-rozgar kya hai
hum sham-o-sahar ko dekh aae
har subh teri nazar ka partaw
har sham teri bhawon ke sae
hai fasl-e-bahaar ka ye dastur
jo aae chaman mein muskurae
kya chiz hai ye fasana-e-dil
jab kahne lagen to bhul jae
tum hi na samajh sake meri baat
ab kis ki samajh mein baat aae
suni rahi intizar ki raat
ashkon ne bahut diye jalae
wo din jo bahaar-e-zindagi the
wo din kabhi lauT kar na aae
- Book : (Sau Baar Chaman Mahka)Kulliyat-e- Sufi Tabassum (Pg. 149)
- Author : Sufi Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum
- Publication : Alhamd Publications, Lahore (2008)
- Edition : 2008
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