TuTa jo wo to sham-e-shafaq-zad KHatm thi
TuuTā jo vo to shām-e-shafaq-zād ḳhatm thī
sāñsoñ meñ phuul khilne kī mī.ād ḳhatm thī
kuchh yuuñ tilismī jhoñkoñ ne āġhosh meñ liyā
mismār hote peḌ kī fariyād ḳhatm thī
mujh ko sañbhāltā thā koī malba-e-badan
varna mire vajūd kī buniyād ḳhatm thī
shāyad ga.e dinoñ meñ bhī jiinā muhāl thā
hijrat ke hādsāt kī har yaad ḳhatm thī
bū-bās ujḌe shahr kī pichhle safar meñ thī
ab ke safar meñ nik.hat-e-barbād ḳhatm thī
sangīn sher us ke khañDar ke the pahre-dār
us par hī saarī azmat-e-ajdād ḳhatm thī
TuTa jo wo to sham-e-shafaq-zad KHatm thi
sanson mein phul khilne ki miad KHatm thi
kuchh yun tilismi jhonkon ne aaghosh mein liya
mismar hote peD ki fariyaad KHatm thi
mujh ko sanbhaalta tha koi malba-e-badan
warna mere wajud ki buniyaad KHatm thi
shayad gae dinon mein bhi jina muhaal tha
hijrat ke hadsat ki har yaad KHatm thi
bu-bas ujDe shahr ki pichhle safar mein thi
ab ke safar mein nikhat-e-barbaad KHatm thi
sangin sher us ke khanDar ke the pahre-dar
us par hi sari azmat-e-ajdad KHatm thi
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