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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere



Ali Ejaz Tamimi


Ali Ejaz Tamimi

MORE BYAli Ejaz Tamimi

    sune ajdād se qisse

    tire mahbūb bandoñ ke

    ka.ī majzūb bandoñ ke

    fanā ke jaam lete the

    vafā se kaam lete the

    baqā ko thaam lete the

    kabhī suulī pe aate the

    kabhī sahrā ko jaate the

    kabhī raqs-e-nadāmat thā

    yūñhī murshid manāte the

    anal-haq sadā.eñ thiiñ

    visāl-e-yār paate the

    mohabbat mohabbat thī

    na ġham thā peT bharne

    na shikva roz marne

    jahāñ ne rang-o-Dhang badle

    manāzir dam-ba-dam badle

    qadam bahke qadam badle

    idhar ahl-e-jahāñ badle

    ḳhudā badlā sanam badle

    mohabbat bajā.e māl-o-zar pe jaan dete haiñ

    hamāre ahd ke ushshāq

    ab rusvā nahīñ hote

    kabhī tanhā nahīñ hote

    haqīqat maan lete haiñ

    kabhī duniyā se laḌte the

    magar ab maslahat se kaam lete haiñ

    sune ajdad se qisse

    tere mahbub bandon ke

    kai majzub bandon ke

    fana ke jam lete the

    wafa se kaam lete the

    baqa ko tham lete the

    kabhi suli pe aate the

    kabhi sahra ko jate the

    kabhi raqs-e-nadamat tha

    yunhi murshid manate the

    anal-haq ki sadaen thin

    visal-e-yar pate the

    mohabbat hi mohabbat thi

    na gham tha peT bharne ka

    na shikwa roz marne ka

    jahan ne rang-o-Dhang badle

    manazir dam-ba-dam badle

    qadam bahke qadam badle

    idhar ahl-e-jahan badle

    KHuda badla sanam badle

    mohabbat ki bajae mal-o-zar pe jaan dete hain

    hamare ahd ke ushshaq

    ab ruswa nahin hote

    kabhi tanha nahin hote

    haqiqat man lete hain

    kabhi duniya se laDte the

    magar ab maslahat se kaam lete hain


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