kueñ kī chiknī surḳh muñDer se
rassī khīñchte khīñchte us ke baazū shal ho jaate the
mard ke paañv dhone ko paanī phir bhī nā-kāfī thā
Daliyā bunte bunte us ke haath lahū se bhar jaate the
phir bhī roTī puure peT na miltī thī
chhappar līpte līpte us par Dheroñ mausam biit ga.e
lekin chhāñv nahīñ dekhī
oḌhnī siite siite us kī poreñ bhī pak jaatī thiiñ
magar kapās kī fasl se us ne hissa kabhī nahīñ paayā
ab ke fasl uThne ke baa'd
na.ī dhuup meñ baiThī vo ye soch rahī hai
pakte pakte poroñ kā ye zahr kisī din
sar tak bhī aa jā.egā
kuen ki chikni surKH munDer se
rassi khinchte khinchte us ke bazu shal ho jate the
mard ke panw dhone ko pani phir bhi na-kafi tha
Daliya bunte bunte us ke hath lahu se bhar jate the
phir bhi roTi pure peT na milti thi
chhappar lipte lipte us par Dheron mausam bit gae
lekin chhanw nahin dekhi
oDhni site site us ki poren bhi pak jati thin
magar kapas ki fasl se us ne hissa kabhi nahin paya
ab ke fasl uThne ke ba'd
nai dhup mein baiThi wo ye soch rahi hai
pakte pakte poron ka ye zahr kisi din
sar tak bhi aa jaega
- Book : Ek Diya Aur Ek Phool (Pg. 118)
- Author :Ishrat Afreen
- Publication : Rekhta Publications (2022)
- Edition : 2nd
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