Profile of Akhtar Hoshiyarpuri
Pen Name : 'AKHtar'
Real Name : Abdussalam
Born : 20 Apr 1918 | Hoshiarpur, Punjab
Died : 18 Mar 2007
Abdussalam was a poet from the long series of poets that belonged to the Punjab. He was born on 20 April 1918 in Hoshiyarpur, West Punjab. After partition, he migrated to Pakistan and became a citizen of Rawalpindi. His pen name was Akhter. Alamat, Aaina Or Chiragh, Barg-E-Sabz,Samt Numa,Shehre Harf, Khairul Basher, Khaatemul Mursaleen are his collections of writings. Mujtaba and Khirulbashar were selected for the 2nd and 3rd prizes in 1998 and 2000. Tamgha-E-Imtiyaz of the Government of Pakistan was conferred upon him for his contribution to the literary world. He died on 18 March 200.. in