Profile of Ameer Qazalbash
usī kā shahr vahī mudda.ī vahī munsif
hameñ yaqīñ thā hamārā qusūr niklegā
usi ka shahr wahi muddai wahi munsif
hamein yaqin tha hamara qusur niklega
Ameer Agha Qazalbash was a renowned Urdu poet and writer of film songs. His songs in films like ‘Prem Rog’ and ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’ would continue to be hummed by the people for a long time to come.His first collection of poety 'Baaz Gasht' was published in 1974. Another collection 'inqaar' in 1976,'Shikayatein Meri' in 1979, 'Rujuz Manzarnaam' (which is a selction of all his four books on poetry). Kulliyaat Ameer Qazalbash (compiled by Faaruuq Argalii) was published in 2006.