Profile of Ashraf Ali Fughan
ai shaiḳh agar kufr se islām judā hai
pas chāhiye tasbīh meñ zunnār na hotā
ai shaiKH agar kufr se islam juda hai
pas chahiye tasbih mein zunnar na hota
Ashraf Ali Khan was the foster brother of King Ahmad Shah . He practiced the craft of poetry under the guidance of Ali Quli Nadeem. Fughan was expert not only in poetry but in witticism and humour as well .That's why Ahmad Shah honored him with the title ‘Zareef-ul-Mulk’. After Durrani’s attack on Delhi, he went to Murshidabad to his uncle, Iraj Khan and from there to Awadh. After sometime he left Awadh and finally settled in Azimabad where he was appointed at the court of Raja Shatab Rai. Fughan’s divan is considered one of the finest examples of classical poetry.