Profile of Bilqis Zafirul Hasan
Her real name is Bilquis Parveen. Before her marriage she used to write under the name Bilquis Bano Rehmani. She is a multli-faced literary personality. Beside poetry, short stories and plays, she writes stories and poems for children .She has two poetry collections to her credit: " Geela eendhan" and " Sholaon ke darmiyaan" . Short story collection: " weerane aabad gharanon ke " and " maange ki aag " , a collecion af plays " Tamasha karae koi" and a collecton of children's stories "Dilchasp". She has recieved many awards on her writings from diifferent Urdu Academies of India . Her plays have been staged in many places in Delhi and Hindi & English translations of her poetry are part of many parestigeous poetry anthologies. Her writings are mainly concerned with social and feminist issues.