Profile of Ibraheem Hosh
Pen Name : 'Hosh'
Real Name : Mohammad Ibraheem
Born : 06 May 1918 | Kolkata, West Bengal
Died : 14 Aug 1988 | Kolkata, West Bengal
aaj zindāñ meñ use bhī le ga.e
jo kabhī ik lafz tak bolā nahīñ
aaj zindan mein use bhi le gae
jo kabhi ek lafz tak bola nahin
Ibrahim Hosh enjoys his reputation as a journalist and poet of progressive ideology. He was born on 06 May, 1918, at Kashipur in Calcutta where he also received his early education at Madrasa Moinul Islam. He passed his entrance examination from Islamia College, Calcutta, in 1936. Owing to hard economic condition, he had to discontinue his education and look for a job to sustain himself.
As a progressive poet and activist, Hosh registered sharp protest against capitalist regime and wrote in favour of the suffering masses that included labourers and workers. His poetry is a genuine record of his ideological commitment. He never sent any poetry for publication in journal, nor did he ever publish his poetry in a volume.
He died on 17 August, 1988.