Short Stories
The age of Urdu Afsaana (short story) is not very long, but in a short span of time, it has emerged as one of the most important genres in Urdu literature. From the earliest fiction writers like Rashidu Khairi, Sajjad Haider Yaldram and Premchand to Manto, Ismat Chughtai, Bedi and Krishn Chandra, followed by modern-day writers, many have made this genre their prime means of creative expression and appreciatively enriched it. In this way, innumerable excellent works of fiction came to the fore in Urdu. At Rekhta, we’ve tried to make accessible for you this exquisite treasure at one place. Over here, find all of the best and most-acclaimed Urdu short-stories at one go!
Prominent short story writer from Pakistan to highlight the excesses of the male-dominated society.
Prominent Pakistani short story writer, columnist, and journalist. Also the editor of Urdu and English journal 'Tadeeb'
Prominent Pakistani fiction writer, author of several fictional works; also wrote books for children.
Prominent fiction writer and journalist known for his major novel 'Lahoo ke Phool'. Also known for his views against the ghazal.
Story writer based in Germany, known for her stories on the issues of women.
Noted story writer and novelist; known for his treatment of communal riots in India.