Short Stories
The age of Urdu Afsaana (short story) is not very long, but in a short span of time, it has emerged as one of the most important genres in Urdu literature. From the earliest fiction writers like Rashidu Khairi, Sajjad Haider Yaldram and Premchand to Manto, Ismat Chughtai, Bedi and Krishn Chandra, followed by modern-day writers, many have made this genre their prime means of creative expression and appreciatively enriched it. In this way, innumerable excellent works of fiction came to the fore in Urdu. At Rekhta, we’ve tried to make accessible for you this exquisite treasure at one place. Over here, find all of the best and most-acclaimed Urdu short-stories at one go!
Popular short story writer and social activist; one of the contributors to "Angaare"
Prominent progressive critic and a story writer of romantic nature
Prominent story writer and playwright of Pakistan, influenced by modernist mode of writing.
Contemporary female fiction writer from Pakistan known for her representations of acute social concerns, especially the exploitation of women
Prominent Pakistani story writer; worked on important positions in the government.
Noted story writer and novelist from Pakistan; also associated with some important literary institutions.
The last dastango of Delhi. Left several important dastans behind of which “Khalil Khan Fakhta” and “Dastan-e-Kana Bati” are more prominent
A noted story writer and playwright from Pakistan; also a recipient of important awards of Pakistan.
One of the noted satirist and humourists in Urdu known for his broader vision of life; brother of major writer Asmat Chughtai.
Prominent story writer and critic of Pakistan; known for his criticism on fiction.
An English teacher, noted critic and fiction writer; known for his critical book "Urdu Novel Ki Tanqeedi Tareekh".and novel "Sham-e-awadh".
Prominent among the contemporary fiction writers of Pakistan
Contemporary Pakistani story writer; known for his take on socio-cultural issues.
A renowned Pakistani Urdu short story writer, novelist, and critic
Noted fiction writer from Pakistan; also known for his critical writings.
A prominent critic, translator and short story writer who made a mark for his critical views; he introduced Western thought and influenced the Urdu critical scenario. He worked on the reconstruction of Islamic thought during the fag end of his career.
Prominent historian, scholar, and educationist; formerly Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.