Short Stories
The age of Urdu Afsaana (short story) is not very long, but in a short span of time, it has emerged as one of the most important genres in Urdu literature. From the earliest fiction writers like Rashidu Khairi, Sajjad Haider Yaldram and Premchand to Manto, Ismat Chughtai, Bedi and Krishn Chandra, followed by modern-day writers, many have made this genre their prime means of creative expression and appreciatively enriched it. In this way, innumerable excellent works of fiction came to the fore in Urdu. At Rekhta, we’ve tried to make accessible for you this exquisite treasure at one place. Over here, find all of the best and most-acclaimed Urdu short-stories at one go!
World-renowned Urdu fiction writers. Known for masterpieces like Thanda Gosht, Khol Do, Toba Tek Singh etc.
Well known fiction writer, acknowledged for her portrayal of sensitive social issues. She draws upon the issues of women in the Eastern societies.
Contemporary fiction writer; known for underscoring the current socio-political issues.
Well known short story writer and novelist, noted for his sensitive portrayals of social issues.
One of the important short story writers to have drawn upon romanticist movement. Also known for his interesting essays on literary and non-literary issues.
Renowned Urdu fiction writer, novelist and one of the pioneers of the Progressive writers’ movement in the subcontinent.
Major contemporary fiction writer known for his stories of the subaltern. Also noted as a translator of stories from several Indian languages.
Noted critic, literary historian, and fiction writer from Pakistan; known for his book "Urdu Adab ki Mukhtasar Tareen Tareekh".
Noted story and novel writer from Pakistan, known for her bold take on women’s issues; also wrote travelogues.
One of the important story writers; also wrote remarkable stories for children.
A notable writer of romantic stories; also the wife of famous fiction writer Krishna Chandra.
Noted fiction writer from Pakistan; known for his stories of existential decadence.
One of the significant women story writers known for her concern with female psychology and the existential issues of women
Noted story writer and columnist from Pakistan; known for her stories on women’s issues.
A celebrated humorist, satirist and short story writer, known for his individual tone of voice.
Important fiction writer and poet of Pakistan, well known in the Urdu and Punjabi circles.
Important fiction writer from Pakistan; remarkable stories on the socio-political issues of the subcontinent. Also published a novel called 'Kitni Barsaaton ke Baad'
Young story writer; also known for her critical writings on fiction.