هوڙ हूड़ hūṛ
H هوڙ हूड़ hūṛ [perhaps S. हुण्डः], adj. & s.m. Forward, impetuous, precipitate, rash, heedless, incautious, imprudent; headstrong; senseless, foolish, stupid, ignorant;—a rash or headstrong man;—a simpleton, blockhead, fool.
حور ḥūr
A حور ḥūr. = P حوري ḥūrī (pl. of ḥaurā, the fem. of aḥwar, 'having eyes characterized by ḥawar or intense whiteness of the white of the eye and intense blackness of the black thereof,' rt. حور;—used by the Persians and Hindūstānīs as a sing.), s.f. A virgin of paradise, a black-eyed nymph;—ḥūr, ḥūr-kā baćća, A very beautiful damsel or youth.
هود हौद haud
H هود हौद haud, = H هودا हौदा haudā, s.m. Hindī corr. of حوض hauẓ, q.v.
هوڙ होड़ hoṛ
H هوڙ होड़ hoṛ [prob. S. हुण्डा, i.e. हुण्ड्+आ], s.f. An agreement, a contract, a bargain;—a wager, bet;—rivalry; imitation:—hoṛ bāṅdhnā, or hoṛ badnā, or hoṛ lagānā, To make an agreement, to stipulate, to bargain;—to lay a wager, to bet:—hoṛ lagānā, To be positive; to be obstinate or perverse (cf. hūṛ, 'headstrong'):—hoṛ-hārnā, To lose a wager.
هور होर hor
H هور होर hor, s.f. (dialec.)=هوڙ hoṛ, q.v.