سحر siḥr inf. n. of سحر 'to turn from his or its course'; 'to enchant'
A سحر siḥr (inf. n. of سحر 'to turn from (his or its) course'; 'to enchant'), s.m. Enchantment, fascination, magic, sorcery (syn. jādū):—siḥr-bāz, s.m. Enchanter, sorcerer, magician:—siḥr-bāzī, s.f.=siḥr:—siḥr-ě-ḥalāl, s.m. Lawful magic; skilful eloquence; poetry:—siḥr-sāz, and siḥr-gār, s.m.=siḥr-bāz:—siḥr-gārī, s.f.=siḥr.
شہر shahr v.n. fr. شہر 'to be apparent,' c.
A شہر shahr (v.n. fr. شہر 'to be apparent,' &c.), s.m. (orig.) 'The new moon when it appears'; a lunar month.
شير shīr
P شير shīr [Zend khshīra; S. क्षीर], s.m. Milk (syn. dūdh)—shīr-birinj, s.m. Rice boiled in milk (syn. khīr):—shīr ḵẖisht, s.f. A substance which rests like dew on certain trees and is used in medicine; manna:—shīr-ḵẖẉār or shīr-ḵẖẉāra, s.m. A suckling, an infant, a babe:—shīr ḵẖẉāragī, s.f. Sucking, living on milk:—shīr-ḵẖẉurda s.m.=shīr-ḵẖẉār:—shīr-dār, adj. Milch; giving much milk:—shīr-shakar, s.m. 'Milk and sugar'; affection; close intimacy; intimate friends;—a kind of silk cloth:—shīr-garm, adj. 'Milk-warm,' lukewarm:—shīr-māl, s.f. Bread made with milk:—shīr-mast, s.m. A fine plump suckling, a fatling:—shīr-ě-nai, s.f. Juice of the sugar-cane:—shīr-o-shakar, s.m.=shīr-shakar, q.v.
شاد shād
P شاد shād [Zend shāta, perf. part. of shā, 'to rejoice,' &c.], adj. Pleased, delighted, exulting, joyful, happy, glad, cheerful, rejoicing (in); (in comp.) full (of); much:—shād-āb, adj. Full of water or moisture, moist, humid, succulent; fresh, verdant; pleasant, agreeable:—shād-ābī, s.f. Moisture; succulence; freshness, verdure; &c.:—shād-ḵẖẉār, adj. Fortunate, well off; voluptuous;—s.f. A dancing-girl, an adulteress, a strumpet:—shād-dil, adj. Cheerful, gay-hearted, delighted, happy:—shād-kām, adj. Rejoicing, exulting; joyous, happy, contented:—shād-kāmī, s.f. Gladness, happiness, delight, content:—shād karnā (-ko), To gladden, delight, rejoice, exhilarate.
شہيد shahīd v.n. fr. شہد 'to give testimony,' c.
A شہيد shahīd (v.n. fr. شہد 'to give testimony,' &c.), s.m. A witness; one who is slain in the cause of (the Mohammadan) religion (on the field of battle, fighting against unbelievers, &c.); a martyr:—shahīd honā, v.n. To be slain in battle against unbelievers; to become a martyr, to suffer martyrdom; to come by one's death unjustly, or by accident, &c.;—to fall desperately in love (with).