چٿکي चुटकी ćuṭkī, prov. चिटकी ćiṭkī
H چٿکي चुटकी ćuṭkī, (prov.) चिटकी ćiṭkī [ćuṭak(nā)+Prk. इआ=S. इका], s.f. A pinch; a handful; snapping the fingers; a knot in cloth (made by a dyer to prevent a part taking the dye); hammer (of a gun); a twist given to lace; stretching cloth after it is sewn; a portion of grain (about two seers) given to a weighman as his fee; a medicinal powder; a ring worn (by women) on any of the toes (except the great toe):—ćuṭkī bajāte-meṅ, adv. In the time it takes to snap the fingers, in a moment, in a trice:—ćuṭkī bajānā, v.n. To produce a snapping sound by means of the thumb and middle finger, to fillip with the fingers (as an accompaniment to a song, &c.):—ćuṭkī-bhar, As much as can be held between a finger and the thumb, a pinch (as of snuff, &c.):—ćuṭkī bharnā, or bhar-lenā, ćuṭkī toṛnā (-kī or -meṅ) = ćuṭkī lenā, q.v.;—ćuṭkī ćaṛhānā (-par), To test the soundness of coin by putting a pinch of testing powder on it (=ćuṭkī lagānā):—ćuṭkī kāṭnā, v.t. To nip, to pinch, &c. (=ćuṭkī lenā):—ćuṭkī lagānā (-meṅ), To apply the fingers (to), to pick (a pocket); to test coin (=ćuṭkī ćaṛhānā, q.v.); to fold up (a leaf, &c.); to tear (cloth, &c.) with the tips of the fingers:—ćuṭkī lenā (-kī or -meṅ), To pinch, nip; to give a fillip (to), to stir up, to kindle; to throw out provoking insinuations or innuendoes; to utter cutting words or sarcasm; to wound or hurt (the feelings, e.g. dil-meṅ ćuṭkī lenā):—ćuṭkī-meṅ, adv.=ćuṭkī bajāte-meṅ, q.v.:—ćuṭkiyoṅ-meṅ uṛānā, v.t. To turn off in a joke; to turn into ridicule.
چٿکا चटका ćaṭkā fr. ćāṭnā
H چٿکا चटका ćaṭkā (fr. ćāṭnā), s.m. A parching sun; deficiency, scarcity, dearth, famine; excessive thirst; eager desire:—ćaṭkā lagānā (-par), To thirst (for), to desire eagerly.