هرج harj, vulg. haraj inf. n. of هرج 'to be copious;—to be tumultuous,' c.
A هرج harj, vulg. haraj (inf. n. of هرج 'to be copious;—to be tumultuous,' &c.), s.m. Confusion, tumult; sedition;—trouble, loss, detriment, harm, injury; inconvenience; a nuisance;—interruption; impediment, obstacle; delay:—harj karnā, or harj ḍālnā (-meṅ), To place an obstacle (in the way of), to obstruct, impede; to interrupt, disturb;—to delay, retard:—harj karnā (-kā), To cause loss or damage (to), to damage, harm, injure:—harj-marj, s.m. Tumult, confusion, anarchy, chaos; commotion, agitation, trouble, stir, bustle, hurly-burly;—interruption; delay, &c. (i.q. harj):—harj-marj uṭhānā, To raise a commotion, to create a hubbub, &c.
حرز ḥirz v.n. fr. حرز 'to be fortified'
A حرز ḥirz (v.n. fr. حرز 'to be fortified'), s.m. A fortified place, fortification; a place of refuge or custody; a safe place, an asylum;—an amulet, a charm.
هودج haudaj
A هودج haudaj, = H هوده hauda, s.m. A camel-litter (in which Arabian ladies travel);—an open seat to place on an elephant's back (this is the common signification in India; c.f. hawā-dār, to wh. hauda or haudā may well be referred).
هارج hārij act. part. of هرج 'to be copious,' c.
A هارج hārij (act. part. of هرج 'to be copious,' &c.), s.m. Interrupter, disturber, obstructer, &c.:—hārij honā (-kā), To be an interrupter (of), to be a bar (to); to interrupt, obstruct, hinder, prevent (syn. māněʻ honā).
حارج ḥārij act. part. n. of حرج 'to be close or strait,' c.
A حارج ḥārij (act. part. n. of حرج 'to be close or strait,'
&c.), s.m. Obstructer, hinderer, &c.; obstacle, hindrance, obstruction.