حجره ḥujra for A. حجرة ḥujrat, fr. حجر; see ḥajar
P حجره ḥujra (for A. حجرة ḥujrat, fr. حجر; see ḥajar), s.m. A chamber, room, closet, cell; a hut.
هزاري hazārī
P هزاري hazārī [hazār+ī = S. इन्; and S. इ], adj. & s.m. Of or relating to a thousand;—commander of a thousand men;—a harlot's son;—s.f. The command of a thousand;—a regiment of a thousand men:—hazārī-bazārī, s.m. Soldiers and tradesmen; military and civil; high and low; people of all sorts; common people:—hazārī 'umr, s.f. A life of a thousand years; a long life.
هزاره hazāra rel. n. fr. hazār
P هزاره hazāra (rel. n. fr. hazār), s.m. A double flower; the double poppy; the balsam flower; a many-leaved rose (syn. ṣad-barg);—a divided stream or jet dʼeau (like that of a watering-pan); a fountain:—hazāra-g̠usl, s.m. A shower-bath.
هجڙا हिजड़ा hijṛā
H هجڙا हिजड़ा hijṛā, s.m.= هيجڙا hījṛā, q.v.
هجري hijrī rel. n. fr. hijrat
A هجري hijrī (rel. n. fr. hijrat), adj. Of or relating to the Hijra or Muḥammadan era; according to the Muḥammadan era.