کل कल kal
H کل कल kal [Prk. कल्लं; S. कल्यं], s.m. & adv. The morrow, to-morrow; yesterday ("in the Dakkhanī dialect kal is used only in the sense of 'yesterday'; 'to-morrow' is expressed by ṣabāṅ or ṣubāṅ," corr. fr. A. ṣabāḥ, or ṣubḥ):—kal-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Of or relating to yesterday:—kal-kā ādmī, A man of yesterday, novus homo, an upstart, a parvenu:—kal-kī bāt, A matter of yesterday, a recent occurrence:—kal-kā din, Yesterday:—kal-kī rāt, or kal-rāt-ko, Last night; to-morrow night:—kal-kalāṅ-ko, adv. & conj. In future; perchance; lest.
کل कल kal
H کل कल kal [prob. S. कल्या; cf. kalyāṇ], s.f. Ease, tranquillity, peace, quiet, relief, rest, repose:—kal ānā, or kal paṛnā (-ko), or kal pānā, To obtain ease or relief; to be at ease:—kal-be-kal honā, or kal-se be-kal honā, To be ill at ease, to be disturbed or disquieted, to lose all rest or peace:—kal-ma-kal, s.f. Uneasiness, perturbation, disquietude, distraction, trouble.
کل कल kal
H کل कल kal, s.f.=kalī or kali, q.v.
کل कल kal
H کل कल kal, s.m.= کلي kali, q.v.:—kal-jug = kali-yug.
کل kal
P کل kal, adj. & s.m. Scald-headed; bald;—a man who has wounds and scars on his head and has lost his hair; a bald-head.