ميل मैल mail
H ميل मैल mail [prob. S. मलं; but cf. mailā], s.f. Dirt, filth; pollution; scum; rust; (met.) sadness; vexation, displeasure:—mail baiṭhnā (-par), Dirt, &c. to settle (or); to gather a crust; to become rusty:—mail ćhāṅṭnā (-kī),
To fine, refine; to strain; to purify; to clarify; to wash (clothes):—mail-ḵẖorā, s.m. A coloured garment worn over the clothes to keep the dirt off them; an apron;—an under-vestment (as a petticoat, &c.);—a garment which has become dirty and discoloured;—cast-off clothes:—mail-kā bail banānā, 'To turn mail into bail'; to multiply words:—mail kāṭnā (-kī) = mail ćhāṅṭnā, q.v.:—mail-kućail, or mail-kućailā, adj. contrac. of mailā-kućailā, q.v.:—mail lānā, v.n. To be sad, or sorry; to be vexed, or displeased.
ميل mail inf. n. of مال for ميل 'to incline to,' c.
A ميل mail (inf. n. of مال (for ميل) 'to incline (to),' &c.), s.m. Inclination (to), leaning; tendency; penchant; bent; bias; impulse;—wish, desire;—attachment, partiality, fondness, affection, love;—aptitude:—mail rakhnā (-kī t̤araf), To feel inclination, or attachment, &c. (for), to be partial (to); to associate (with):—mail karnā (-kī t̤araf, or -par), To incline or lean (to or towards); to have, or to show, an inclination, or a partiality (for), to love;—to close in (with, or upon).
ميل मैल mail corr. fr. the English
H ميل मैल mail (corr. fr. the English), s.m. A mile (i.q. mīl, q.v.).
ميل मैल mail
H ميل मैल mail, s.m. (dialec.) corr. of محل maḥal, q.v.
مل मिल mil, or मिलि mili past. conj. part. of milnā, q.v.
H مل मिल mil, or मिलि mili (past. conj. part. of milnā, q.v.), conj. part.=milkar or milke, q.v.:—mil-jul, adv.=mile-jule, q.v.