مشك mashk, and H. मशक maśak, vulg. masak
P مشك mashk, and H. मशक maśak, vulg. masak [S. मशकः], s.f. A leather bag (esp. for carrying water;—the entire hide of a goat or sheep made into a bag and used by water-carriers. In some parts of India the term is applied to an inflated buffalo-hide, which is used as a float in crossing a river):—maśak ćhoṛnā or ćhoṛ-denā (-ke nām), To discharge or empty a maśak (in the name of a goddess, or against malign influence); to quench the thirst, or to appease the wrath (of the goddess of small-pox); to remove the influence (of an evil spirit):—mashkeṅ ćhūṭnā (-kī), To have copious discharges (of), to have diarrhœa.
مشق mashq inf. n. of مشق 'to pierce suddenly' with a spear, c.
A مشق mashq (inf. n. of مشق 'to pierce suddenly' (with a spear, &c.), s.f. Piercing suddenly (with a
spear);—striking, beating, or lashing with velocity;—tearing;—writing, drawing (the letters);—combing;—chafing, or galling the skin (a garment, &c.);—drawing (a garment, or a thong, &c.) every way in order to stretch it;—eating up the best parts (of forage);—a model (for imitation), a copy (to write after); an example; an exercise;—practice, usage, use;—adj. Galled between the thighs (a man);—tall, slender (girl):—mashq karnā (-kī), To practise, exercise; to copy:—zer-mashq, s.m. Anything placed under a sheet of paper that one may write commodiously; a paste-board, a pad.
ماشوك माशूक māśūk
H ماشوك माशूक māśūk, s.m. corr. of معشوق maʻshūq, q.v.
مسحوق masḥūq pass. part. of سحق 'to bruise,' c.
A مسحوق masḥūq (pass. part. of سحق 'to bruise,' &c.), part. Bruised, brayed, pounded, pulverized.
مشك mushk =S. मुष्क
P مشك mushk (=S. मुष्क), s.m. Musk (syn. kastūrī):—mushk-bār, adj. Diffusing musk; scented like musk; musky;—s.m. (met.) Lock, curl, or ringlet (of a mistress):—mushk-bū, adj. Musk-scented; musky;—odoriferous, fragrant:—mushk-fām, adj. Musk-coloured; black, jetty;—s.m. (met.) Lock, curl, or ringlet (of a mistress; i.q. mushk-bār):—mushk-nāfa, s.m. The musk-bag;—(for mushk-ě-nāfa), exquisite musk;—a musky-smelling plant.