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Dictionary matches for "nikal"




appear, emerge, rise (Sun)






copy, imitate



Anything given at entertainments along with wine (as fruits or sweetmeats)



نکل निकल nikal fr. nikalnā, q.v.

H نکل निकल nikal (fr. nikalnā, q.v.), s.m. Going or coming out; exit; issue, outlet, &c. (syn. nikās; nir-gam).

نکيل नकेल nakel

H نکيل नकेल nakel [Prk. नक्कइल्ला; S. नक्र+इला], s.f. The wooden or iron pin fixed in a camel's nose, and to which his halter is fastened; a cavesson;—the halter by which a camel is led, and which is fastened to a pin through his nose.

نقول nuqūl

A نقول nuqūl, s.f. pl. (of naql, q.v.), Narratives, tales; anecdotes; sayings;—copies.

نکال निकाल nikāl fr. nikālnā, q.v.

H نکال निकाल nikāl (fr. nikālnā, q.v.), s.m. Outlet, issue, vent, discharge (i.q. nikās);—contrivance;—extract;—expulsion;—projection (see nikālnā; and cf. nikās, which is a syn. of nikāl).

نقل naql, vulg. naqal inf. n. of نقل 'to transport,' c.

A نقل naql, vulg. naqal (inf. n. of نقل 'to transport,' &c.), s.f. Transporting, carrying from one place to another, removing; transportation; removal; translation;—transmission;—transfer, alienation (of property);—transcribing; copying; imitating; mimicking; acting; mimicry;—imitation of a copy; a transcript, copy; a duplicate;—a history, narrative, relation, report, account; tale, story; anecdote; fable:—naqluʼl-naql, A copy of a copy:—naql-ba-jinsihi, or naql mut̤ābiq-ě-aṣl, An exact counterpart of the original, a true copy:—naql-bahī, s.f. Day-book; waste-book; record-book:—naql-ě-ḵẖilāf, A false copy;—a misquotation:—naql karnā, v.t. To relate, narrate;—to make a copy (of, -), to copy; to imitate, to mimic; to act, to represent or personate (a character):—naql-ě-muṣaddaq, An attested or authenticated copy:—naql-ě-makān, s.m. Moving from a place, removing, removal;—emigration;—conveying (to another place);—transmigration;—dying;—the first stage of a journey, or halting-place at a very little distance (where they remain some time to collect what may have been forgotten of the requisites for travelling; this first stage is often made long before they really mean to set off, seizing a lucky moment to commence a journey in);—naql-ě-makān karnā, v.n. To remove; to emigrate, &c.:—naql-navīs, s.m. A copier, copyist:—naql-navīsī, s.t. Copying; section-writing:—naql honā, v.n. To be related, to be said;—to be copied (from, -se):—naql hai, It is related, &c.


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