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Dictionary matches for "pesh"






संमुख, सामने, प्रथम, पहले, अगला भाग, उर्दू में ‘उ’ की मात्रा।




छिपानेवाला, जैसे--‘ऐबपोश' दोप छिपानेवाला।




छिड़कनेवाला, जैसे—‘गुलाबपाश गुलाब छिड़कनेवाला, फैलानेवाला, जैसे—‘ज़ियापाश', प्रकाश फैलानेवाला।


پيش pesh

P پيش pesh [Old P., pes; Pehl. pesh; Z. para; S. para], s.m. Front, fore part; the front piece (in a native coat); (in Gram.) the vowel-point ُ (termed ẓamma by the Arabs);—adv. & postpn., In front (of, -ke), before (in time or place;—syn. āge);—adj. Promoted, advanced; respected; trusted; possessing influence:—pesh az, adv. Previous (to, -ke), before;—pesh az īn, adv. Previous to this, before this; formerly, heretofore (=is-se āge, or is-se pahle):—pesh-āmad, s.f. Coming into the presence (of, ), advance; access, admittance; advancement, elevation:—pesh-ānā, v.n. To come before, step forward, to advance; to present (itself), to intervene, to arise, occur, happen, come to pass; to behave (with, -se, e.g. gustāḵẖī-se pesh āyā, 'he behaved insolently'), to treat; to deal (with), negotiate:—pesh-andesha, adj. Looking to the future, provident, prudent:—pesh-band, s.m. The belt that passes over a horse's breast to prevent the saddle's slipping back; a martingal:—pesh-bandī, s.f. Foresight, timely preparation (for, -):—pesh-bīn, adj. Foreseeing, prudent, provident, wise:—pesh-bīnī, s.f. Foresight; prudence:—pesh jānā, pesh ćalnā, v.n. To go forth, to advance; to gain reception (from, se), to pass, to answer; to be effective, have effect:—pesh-ḵẖaima, s.m. A tent or other baggage sent on before; the camp equipage, tents, &c., sent on in advance of an army;—fore-runner, harbinger:—pesh-dālān, s.m. Vestibule, porch, portico; verandah; gallery:—pesh-dast, adj. & s.m. Surpassing, excelling; outstripping; being beforehand, anticipating;—one who excels; an assistant; money paid in advance, earnest-money;—pesh-dastī, s.f. An outstripping, surpassing, excelling; pre-eminence, precedency, excellence; anticipation, the being beforehand (in, -meṅ), forestalling; paying beforehand;—pesh-dastī karnā, v.n. To make haste; to take the lead (in, -meṅ); to be beforehand (in), to anticipate:—pesh-ras, adj. & s.m. Early, first (fruit, grain, &c.);—first-fruits:—pesh-raft, adj. Making impression, impressive, forcible; successful, efficient, effectual (as a speech, admonition, &c.);—pesh-raft jānā, pesh-raft honā, v.n. To have effect, be effectual, produce an impression, to be heeded; to be successful, to succeed;—to take the lead, to go ahead:—pesh-rav, pesh-rau, s.m. One who goes before; leader; guide; precursor, fore-runner; party in advance; advance guard, van:—pesh-ravī, s.f. The act of going before or preceding:—pesh-qabẓ, s.f. A dagger (worn in front):—pesh-qadamī, s.f. Stepping before or forwards, advancing, advance; outstripping; anticipation; activity, alertness; aggression;—leadership, command:—pesh-qadamī karnā, v.n. To go before, precede, go in advance; to advance, push forward; to

outstrip; to anticipate; to take the first step, to commence; to be the aggressor:—pesh-kār, s.m. Deputy; manager, agent, foreman; assistant, mate; a native officer in a court next below the sarishtadār:—pesh-kārī, s.f. Deputyship; agency, &c.; the office of a pesh-kār:—pesh karnā, v.t. To put or set before; to offer, present; to bring forward, adduce, submit, propose, represent:—pesh-kash, s.m. lit. 'What is first drawn'; first-fruits;—a present to a superior; a present to the ruling power on receiving an appointment, or on the renewal of a grant, lease, &c.:—pesh-gāh, s.f. The foremost place, the front; vestibule, portico:—pesh-gāh-meṅ, adv. In front, before:—pesh-goʼī, s.f. Prediction:—pesh-naz̤ar, Object; view, prospect:—pesh-nigāh, intj. Look out! take care!:—pesh-namāz, s.m. A leader at prayer, an imām:—pesh-nihād, s.m. lit. 'What is placed before'; exemplar, example, model; custom, habit, use; mode, manner; rule, regulation.

پوش posh S. पोषयति 'to wear, put on'; rt. पुष्

P پوش posh (S. पोषयति 'to wear, put on'; rt. पुष्), act. part. (of poshīdan), Covering, clothed in, dressed in, wearing (used as last member of comp., e.g. pā-posh, 'Covering the feet,' shoe, slipper; kulah-posh, 'Wearing a hat or cap');—s.m. Covering, garment, clothing, raiment.

پاش pāsh

P پاش pāsh [fr. pāshīdan; rt. S. sparś fr. spr̤iś], part. adj. Scattering, sprinkling, diffusing (used in comp.):—pāsh-pāsh, adj. Shivered or broken in pieces, shattered.


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