کدر kadar inf. n. of کدر 'to be turbid,' c.
A کدر kadar (inf. n. of کدر 'to be turbid,' &c.), s.m. Being turbid or muddy; turbidness, muddiness, dirtiness; perturbation, agitation (of mind), trouble, affliction, solicitude (cf. kudūrat).
قدر qadr, vulg. qadar inf. n. of قدر 'to make great; to measure, determine.' c.
A قدر qadr, vulg. qadar (inf. n. of قدر 'to make great; to measure, determine.' &c.), s.f. Greatness, dignity, honour, rank, power; importance, consequence; worth, merit; estimation, appreciation, account; value, price;—measure; degree; quantity; magnitude; bulk, size; portion, part;—whatever is fixed or ordained of God, divine providence, fate, destiny:—qadr-baḵẖsh, adj. & s.m. Conferring dignity or honour;—source of dignity, fountain of honour:—qadr-dān, or qadr-shinās, adj. & s.m. Knowing the worth or value (of), appreciating;—one who knows the worth (of), a just appreciator, a judge; a patron:—qadr-dānī, s.f. Due regard to the worth (of), just appreciation of merit; power or faculty of appreciation; patronage, favour;—qadr-dānī karnā, or qadr karnā (-kī), To appreciate duly, to esteem, prize, value:—is qadr, adj. & adv. So much; to such a degree; so:—ba-qadr, adv. Ad valorem; valued at; at the rate (of, -i, or -ke); to the extent (of); to the degree (of); to the amount (of); in proportion (to); according (to), as; corresponding (with):—be-qadr, adj. Worthless, of no importance or account;—dishonoured, disgraced;—wanting in appreciation, insensible to merit:—be-qadrī, s.f. Indignity, dishonour, disgrace; low estimation; want of appreciation, non-recognition of merit:—kis qadr, adj. & adv. How much? to what extent or degree?—kisī qadr, Somewhat; a little (=qadre).
قادر qādir act. part. of قدر 'to be able,' c.
A قادر qādir (act. part. of قدر 'to be able,' &c.), adj. Potent, powerful, mighty, able, competent, having legal power; capable, skilful:—al-qādir, The Almighty:—qādir-ě-mut̤laq, The Omnipotent; Omnipotence:—qādir honā (-par), To be able (to do), to be capable (of); to be provided (for).
قدير qadīr v.n. fr. قدر; see qudrat
A قدير qadīr (v.n. fr. قدر; see qudrat), adj. Powerful;—almighty;—the Almighty.