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Dictionary matches for "tan"







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تن तन tan

P & H تن तन tan [Zend tanu; S. तनु], s.m. The body, person; one's own person, self:—tan-āsānī, s.f. Ease of body, bodily comfort, indulgence:—tan-āwar, adj. Corpulent, stout:—tan parwar, adj. & s.m. Careful of the body,

self-indulgent; selfish; luxurious, voluptuous;—a self-indulgent person, &c.:—tan-parwarī, s.f. A pampering of the body, self-indulgence, ease, luxury, voluptuousness:—tan-tanhā, tan-ě-tanhā, adv. Alone; singly:—tan-ćhīn (S. -kshīna), adj. Wasted in body, emaciated:—tan-durust, adj. Well in health, sound in body, healthy, vigorous:—tan-durust karnā, v.t. To make (one) well, to restore to health, to cure:—tan-durustī, s.f. Health, bodily vigour:—tan-dih, adj. & s.m. Applying oneself (to), attentive (to), of great application, diligent;—one who has great application, &c.:—tan-dihī, s.f. Application, attention, diligence; exertion, effort, pains:—tan-dihī-se, adv. Attentively, diligently; energetically, with exertion or effort, with painstaking:—tan-dihī karnā, tan denā (-meṅ), To give or apply oneself (to), to pay attention (to), to exert oneself (in), to take pains:—tan-zeb, s.f. A cloth of the nainsukh kind, but finer; a kind of vest worn under the qabā:—tan-sukh, adj. & s.m. Taking ease, reposing, indulging; idling; bodily ease, &c.=tan-āsānī, q.v.:—tan-ko lagnā (-ke), To touch or affect the person (of); to come home to one, to feel; to assimilate (food), to nourish, to make flesh, to fatten; to be applied to the body, be brought into use:—tan-lāgū, adj. Personally attached (to, -ke), devoted (to), zealous (for); active, energetic, painstaking:—tan-man, s.m. Body and soul, one's whole self:—tan-man-se, adv. With body and soul, with all (one's) heart and soul:—tan-man mārnā, tan-o-man mārnā, v.n. To restrain the appetites or desires; to suppress the feelings or emotions; to keep quiet or silent; to concentrate one's attention or faculties (on), to render oneself unconscious of snrrounding objects, &c.

طعن t̤aʻn inf. n. of طعن 'to pierce or wound with a spear,' c.

A طعن t̤aʻn (inf. n. of طعن 'to pierce or wound with a spear,' &c.), s.m. Thrusting or striking with a spear; a thrust, a stab;—blame, reproach, disapprobation, &c. (=t̤aʻna, q.v.).

تون तून tūn

H تون तून tūn, s.m. The tree Cedrela toona and its wood (=tunna, tun, q.v.).

طاعون t̤āʻūn v.n. fr. طعن; see t̤āʻin, and t̤aʻn

A طاعون t̤āʻūn (v.n. fr. طعن; see t̤āʻin, and t̤aʻn), s.m. An epidemic, a plague, pestilence.

طاعن t̤āʻin act. part. of طعن 'to pierce, stab' with a spear, or with the tongue

A طاعن t̤āʻin (act. part. of طعن 'to pierce, stab' (with a spear, or with the tongue)), s.m. A reviler, an asperser, a slanderer, calumniator.


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