ياد yād
P ياد yād, s.f. Remembrance, recollection; memory:—yād-allāh, s.m. Compliments, greeting;—a form of salutation between faqīrs:—yād-ash ba-ḵẖair, Whom God remember graciously; God preserve him (used when speaking of an absent friend;—cf. 'the Lord keep his memory green!'):—yād ānā, To come to recollection or mind; to recur to memory:—yād-āwarī, s.f. Calling to mind; remembrance, recollection:—yād-ḥāfiz̤, s.m. One who has got the entire Qǒrʼān by heart:—yād-dāsht, s.f. Remembrance, recollection:—a memorandum, memorial, memo;—a reminder;—a souvenir:—yād dilānā (-ko), To remind:—yād-dih, adj. & s.m. Putting in mind; remindful;—putter in mind, reminder:—yād-dihī, s.f. Putting in mind; reminiscence:—yād rakhnā, v.t. To bear in mind, keep in memory, to remember, &c. (see yād karnā):—yād-farāmosh, s.f. A kind of game of forfeits (one child gives something to another, who has then to say yād; if he fail to do so, the giver says farāmosh, and the receiver has to pay a forfeit):—yād karnā, v.t. To think of, to remember, recollect, call to mind;—to commit to memory;—to send for, to require the presence of (a subordinate):—yād-gār, s.m., or yād-gārī, s.f. Anything given as a memorial; a valuable present (to a mistress or friend); a token, a souvenir, a keepsake;—a monument, memorial; anything memorable, or worthy of remembrance:—yād honā (-ko), To be remembered; to recur (to), to come to mind.
يار yār prob.=S. जार
P يار yār (prob.=S. जार), s.m. & f. A friend; a lover; paramour, gallant; mistress;—companion, comrade;—an assistant;—one of a sect or gang of thieves (P. pl. yārān):—yār-bāz, adj. Wanton;—s.f. A wanton woman, a harlot:—yār-bāzī, s.f. Wantonness, harlotry; fornication:—yār-bāsh, adj. & s.m. Friendly, cordial; merry, jolly; voluptuous, sensual;—a good fellow, a jolly fellow (i.q. yār-bāsh ādmī):—yār-bāshī, s.f. Friendliness; merriness, jollity; sensuality:—yār bannā (with gen.), To become the friend (of); to be friends (with), be intimate (with);—yār banānā (-ko), To make a friend of; to form a friendship with:—yār-ě-ʻazīz, A dear friend:—yār-ě-gār, vulg. yār-gār, s.m. 'A companion in a cave'; an intimate friend;—a name of Abū-bakr (who continued the companion and friend of Muhammad when the latter fled for refuge to a cave):—yār karnā, To make friends; to make a friend of (-ko); to take (to oneself) a lover or paramour:—yār-mār, s.m. One who deceives or cheats his friend or friends, a deceiver, a cheat; one who betrays his friend, a traitor:—yār-mārī, s.f. Deceiving, or cheating, or betraying a friend:—yār-ě-wafā-dār, s.m. A faithful or sincere friend; a constant lover:—yār honā (-kā, or merā, &c.), To contract friendship (with), to be friendly (with).
يار yār, suff. another form of wār, q.v.
P يار yār, suff. (another form of wār, q.v.), Lord, possessor (used to form possessive adjectives, e.g. shahr-yār, q.v.).
يد yad
A يد yad, s.m. (but f. in A.), The hand;—a handle;—assis tance, aid, succour; protection, benefit, favour, service;—power, vigour, strength:—yad-ě-baiẓā, s.m. 'A white hand'; a miracle (in allusion to the white hand of Moses):—yad-ě-baiẓā dikhānā, To perform a miracle; to do wonders; to distinguish oneself in any work.