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jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


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Dictionary matches for "zameen"




country, earth, ground, land



country, earth, ground, land



Congelation; coagulation; rennet or acid employed for curdling milk



Congelation; coagulation; rennet or acid employed for curdling milk


زمين zamīn

P زمين zamīn [Zend zemaênya, fr. zem; see zamī], s.f. The earth; soil, land, ground; floor; foundation, ground-work; the ground of a picture; region, country:—zamīn-āsmān-kā farq, 'As wide asunder as heaven and earth'; a very great difference:—zamīn-bos honā, v.n. To kiss the ground, to prostrate oneself; to make a profound bow, to make obeisance:—zamīn-par-se kućh paṛā pānā, To obtain a thing without exertion or labour; to find or obtain a thing unexpectedly; to be overjoyed at finding unexpectedly the object of one's wishes:—zamīn pakaṛnā, To be rooted to a spot; to stick to a place; to persevere obstinately in a design, to stick (to a thing), to insist:—zamīn-dār, s.m. See s.v.:—zamīn-doz, adj. Level with the ground;—subterranean:—zamīn-qand, s.m. A kind of sweet potato:—zamīn-kā paiwand honā, v.n. 'To become a patch or piece of the earth,' to mingle with the dust, to die:—zamīn-kā gaz, s.m. (colloq.), A great traveller:—zamīn-kī gardan, s.f. 'A neck of land,' an isthmus (syn. ḵẖāk-nāʼe; ḍamru-madh):—zamīn-gīr, adj. & s.m. Falling to the ground; taking to the ground; hanging down to the ground, bent low; bowed; oppressed or broken down by age or time; paralytic;—one who is bowed or bent double, a paralytic:—zamīn-meṅ samānā, 'To fit, or to be put, into the ground,' to be buried:—zamīn-meṅ gaṛ-jānā, lit. 'To be buried in the earth'; to sink into the earth with shame, to be greatly ashamed:—zamīn-naz̤ar-gherā, s.f. The sensible horizon.

ضامن ẓāmin act. part. of ضمن 'to be or become responsible for,' c.

A ضامن ẓāmin (act. part. of ضمن 'to be or become responsible for,' &c.), s.m. One who is responsible or accountable (for), a surety, guarantee; security, sponsor, bail, bondsman;—a small piece of wood connecting the two tubes of a ḥuqqa:—ẓāmin-dār, s.m. One having a bail or surety, person bailed:—ẓāmin dar ẓāmin, s.m. A collateral security:—ẓāmin denā (kisī-ko), To give (someone as) a surety, &c.:—ẓāmin honā (-), To be surety (for), to give or stand bail (for); to guarantee; to engage (for):—ḥāẓir-ẓāmin, s.m. Security for personal appearance:—fěʻl-ẓāmin, s.m. A surety or security for good conduct, or for (a person's) refraining from any prescribed offence or misdemeanour:—māl-ẓāmin, s.m. A security for the discharge of a debt; recognizances; bail.

زمن zaman

A زمن zaman, s.m. Time (=zamān, q.v.).

ضمن ẓimn v.n. fr. ضمن 'to be responsible for,' c.

A ضمن ẓimn (v.n. fr. ضمن 'to be responsible for,' &c.), s.m. Cover, fold, or envelope (of a letter); endorsement (of a grant, &c.); clause, section (in legal regulations, &c.);—contents, enclosure, anything included, or comprehended, or contained, or inserted; subject; idea, conception;—obligation, suretiship;—aid, favour:—ẓimn karnā, v.t. To enclose; to include, comprehend, comprise, &c.:—ẓimn-meṅ, adv. In the fold (of, -ke), in the contents (of), enclosed in, included in; in the course (of), by the way.

جميعًا jamīʻaṉ acc. of jamīʻ

A جميعًا jamīʻaṉ (acc. of jamīʻ), adv. In toto, altogether; universally.


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