dil aag mein furqat ki jalta hai to jalne do

dil aag mein furqat ki jalta hai to jalne do
Krishn Gopal Maghmum
MORE BYKrishn Gopal Maghmum
dil aag meñ furqat kī jaltā hai to jalne do
sho.ale ko mohabbat ke kuchh aur machalne do
manzil kī taḌap āḳhir pahuñchā.egī manzil tak
gir gir ke sañbhaltā huuñ gir gir ke sañbhalne do
be-rāh-ravī merī hai dars-e-amal mujh ko
uljhī huī rāhoñ pe chaltā huuñ to chalne do
duniyā ne badal Daalā mafhūm mohabbat kā
ab sāz-e-mohabbat kī āvāz badalne do
garmī-e-amal hogī phir merī rag-o-pai meñ
yaḳh-basta se jazboñ kī ye barf pighalne do
har raah pe bikhre haiñ angāre ta.assub ke
angāroñ pe chalnā hai angāroñ pe chalne do
is bāġh-e-vatan kī bhī kuchh fikr karo yaaro
lillāh ise bhī to kuchh phūlne phalne do
logo ye ġhanīmat hai kyoñ is ko bujhāte ho
ye sham-e-mohabbat hai din-rāt ise jalne do
aa.egī hayāt-e-nau 'maġhmūm' har ik dil meñ
paimāna-e-ātish meñ har sher ko Dhalne do
dil aag mein furqat ki jalta hai to jalne do
shoale ko mohabbat ke kuchh aur machalne do
manzil ki taDap aaKHir pahunchaegi manzil tak
gir gir ke sanbhalta hun gir gir ke sanbhalne do
be-rah-rawi meri hai dars-e-amal mujh ko
uljhi hui rahon pe chalta hun to chalne do
duniya ne badal Dala mafhum mohabbat ka
ab saz-e-mohabbat ki aawaz badalne do
garmi-e-amal hogi phir meri rag-o-pai mein
yaKH-basta se jazbon ki ye barf pighalne do
har rah pe bikhre hain angare tassub ke
angaron pe chalna hai angaron pe chalne do
is bagh-e-watan ki bhi kuchh fikr karo yaro
lillah ise bhi to kuchh phulne phalne do
logo ye ghanimat hai kyon is ko bujhate ho
ye sham-e-mohabbat hai din-raat ise jalne do
aaegi hayat-e-nau 'maghmum' har ek dil mein
paimana-e-atish mein har sher ko Dhalne do
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