malba haTa ke aankh ki kirchi uThai thi
malba haTā ke aañkh kī kirchī uThā.ī thī
dīvār-e-ḳhvāb niiñd ne tirchhī uThā.ī thī
radd-e-duā kā nisf asāsa tumhāre naam
tum ne bhī mere saath hathelī uThā.ī thī
hāthoñ ko dil ne ḳhuun kī tarsīl rok dī
maiñ ne tumhārī yaad pe unglī uThā.ī thī
mujh ko mire hī dūsre baazū ne Das liyā
shahr-e-havas se sone kī Dhelī uThā.ī thī
ham jaag to rahe the magar jānte na the
kab āsmāñ ne aañkh se surḳhī uThā.ī thī
ik harf-e-badduā se mire haath uTh ga.e
ik shahr-e-be-charāġh se miTTī uThā.ī thī
kuchh is liye bhī is kī nahīñ dekh-bhāl kī
ham ne badan kī koTharī girvī uThā.ī thī
malba haTa ke aankh ki kirchi uThai thi
diwar-e-KHwab nind ne tirchhi uThai thi
radd-e-dua ka nisf asasa tumhaare nam
tum ne bhi mere sath hatheli uThai thi
hathon ko dil ne KHun ki tarsil rok di
main ne tumhaari yaad pe ungli uThai thi
mujh ko mere hi dusre bazu ne Das liya
shahr-e-hawas se sone ki Dheli uThai thi
hum jag to rahe the magar jaante na the
kab aasman ne aankh se surKHi uThai thi
ek harf-e-baddua se mere hath uTh gae
ek shahr-e-be-charagh se miTTi uThai thi
kuchh is liye bhi is ki nahin dekh-bhaal ki
hum ne badan ki koThari girwi uThai thi
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