Hairat Allahabadi
Ghazal 28
Sher-o-Shayari 4
āgāh apnī maut se koī bashar nahīñ
sāmān sau baras kā hai pal kī ḳhabar nahīñ
the time of his death, man cannot foresee
uncertain of the morrow yet, plans for a century
aagah apni maut se koi bashar nahin
saman sau baras ka hai pal ki KHabar nahin
the time of his death, man cannot foresee
uncertain of the morrow yet, plans for a century
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na to kuchh fikr meñ hāsil hai na tadbīr meñ hai
vahī hotā hai jo insān kī taqdīr meñ hai
there is naught from worrying, nor from planning gained
for everything that happens is by fate ordained
na to kuchh fikr mein hasil hai na tadbir mein hai
wahi hota hai jo insan ki taqdir mein hai
there is naught from worrying, nor from planning gained
for everything that happens is by fate ordained
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apnā hī haal tak na khulā mujh ko ta-ba-marg
maiñ kaun huuñ kahāñ se chalā thā kahāñ gayā
apna hi haal tak na khula mujh ko ta-ba-marg
main kaun hun kahan se chala tha kahan gaya
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kahā āshiq se vāqif ho to farmāyā nahīñ vāqif
magar haañ is taraf se ek nā-mahram nikaltā hai
kaha aashiq se waqif ho to farmaya nahin waqif
magar han is taraf se ek na-mahram nikalta hai
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