Profile of Nazeer Banarasi
Pen Name : 'Nazeer'
Real Name : Nazeer Ahmad
Born : 25 Nov 1909 | Banaras, Uttar pradesh
Died : 23 Mar 1996 | Banaras, Uttar pradesh
añdherā māñgne aayā thā raushnī kī bhiik
ham apnā ghar na jalāte to aur kyā karte
andhera mangne aaya tha raushni ki bhik
hum apna ghar na jalate to aur kya karte
Nazir Banarasi is one of the popular names both in literary and popular circles. He was born on 25 Nov, 1909, in Banares. His father was a well-known practitioner of Unani medicine in Benares. Nazir also joined his father’s profession.
Nazir picked the material for his poetry from the conditions around him which made him acutely relevant to his readers. His poetry is thus a living record of contemporary scenario with respect to politics and society. He also wrote long poems on the prominent literary, social, and political personalities of his time. His publications include Gang-o-Jaman, Rashtra ki Amaanat Rashtra ke Hawaaley, Jawahar se Lal Tak, Ghulami se Aazaadi Tak, and Kitab-e-Ghazal.
He died on 23 March, 1996 in Benares.