Profile of Parvez Shahidi
Real Name : Syed Ikram Hussain
Born : 30 Sep 1910 | Patna, Bihar
Died : 05 May 1968 | Kolkata, West Bengal
LCCN :n89114023
abhī se sub.h-e-gulshan raqs-farmā hai nigāhoñ meñ
abhī puurī naqāb ulTī nahīñ hai shām-e-sahrā ne
abhi se subh-e-gulshan raqs-farma hai nigahon mein
abhi puri naqab ulTi nahin hai sham-e-sahra ne
Perwaiz Shahidi was born Syed Ekram Hussain on 30 September, 1910 at Patna. He passed his matriculation examination in 1925 from Calcutta. In 1930, he did his B. A. with Persian as his principal subject and M. A. in 1934 from Patna University. Later, he left for Calcutta to earn his livelihood. During his stay there, he got actively associated with the communist movement which was at its peak there. He even went to jail in 1949. He remained worried about his job and worked in several schools for short periods to sustain himself. During the last phase of his life from 1958 to his death on 05 May, 1968, he worked as lecturer in Urdu at Calcutta University.
He published two collections of his poetry entitled Raqs-e-Hayat, and Taslees-eHayat.
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Authority Control :The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) : n89114023