Sher on Sayyad
There are certain institutionalised
concepts in poetry, especially the poetry in Persian and Urdu. Hunter, hunted, nest, and garden are some of these that constitute a cluster. A hunter is a traditional metaphor but it has had its significance all through and the modern poets have used it to convey for political messages. Here is a selection of verses around the central idea of the hunter who looks for a prey in the garden.
kuchh is andāz se sayyād ne āzād kiyā
jo chale chhuT ke qafas se vo giraftār chale
kuchh is andaz se sayyaad ne aazad kiya
jo chale chhuT ke qafas se wo giraftar chale
sayyād terā ghar mujhe jannat sahī magar
jannat se bhī sivā mujhe rāhat chaman meñ thī
sayyaad tera ghar mujhe jannat sahi magar
jannat se bhi siwa mujhe rahat chaman mein thi
chaman meñ ḳhushk-sālī par hai ḳhush sayyād ki ab ḳhud
parinde peT kī ḳhātir asīr-e-dām hote haiñ
chaman mein KHushk-sali par hai KHush sayyaad ki ab KHud
parinde peT ki KHatir asir-e-dam hote hain
Tag : Muflisi
tujh ko ai sayyād kāvish hī agar manzūr hai
tū chaman meñ chhoḌ de mujh ko mire par toḌ kar
tujh ko ai sayyaad kawish hi agar manzur hai
tu chaman mein chhoD de mujh ko mere par toD kar