شوم shūm inf. n. of شأم 'to be unlucky'; or pl. of the adj. ashʼam or ashyam, fr. the same verb, used by the Persians as a sing.
A شوم shūm (inf. n. of شأم 'to be unlucky'; or pl. of the adj. ashʼam or ashyam, fr. the same verb, used by the Persians as a sing.), adj. & s.m. Unlucky, inauspicious, unfortunate; disgraceful, vile; niggard;—black;—an unlucky wight;—a miser, niggard (see sūm):—shūm-baḵẖt, adj. Of unhappy lot, unfortunate, wretched:—shūm-t̤abʻ, adj. Ill-tempered; niggard, shūm-qadam, adj. Unlucky, bad (omen):—shūm-mizāj, adj. stingy:—Niggard, stingy.
صوم ṣaum inf. n. of صوم 'to abstain,' c.
A صوم ṣaum (inf. n. of صوم 'to abstain,' &c.), s.m. Fasting; a fast;—one who fasts (=ṣāʼim);—a Christian church;—adj. Abstaining from speech, silent (=ṣāʼim):—ṣaum-ṣalāt, s.f. Fasting and prayer.
سام sām
P سام sām [Pārsī śãm; Pehl. śām; Zend śāma, rt. śam = S. सम्], s.m. Name of a celebrated hero in Persian romance (father to Zāl, and grandfather to Rustam);—a swelling (e.g. sar-sām, 'swelling in the head').
شمع shamʻ, vulg. shamʻa
A شمع shamʻ, vulg. shamʻa, s.m. Wax (syn. mom); a wax candle; a candle; a lamp (syn. battī):—shamʻa-dān, s.m. A candlestick:—shamʻ-rū or shamʻ-ruḵẖ, adj. Having a countenance resplendent as the light of a candle:—shamʻ-sāz, s.m. A candle-maker, a chandler.
سام साम sām
H سام साम sām [S. शंवा or शम्बा], s.f. A ferule (=sāmī).