زد zad
P زد zad [v.n. of zadan; or Zend jata, rt. jan = S. हतं, rt. हन्], s.f. Striking, beating; stroke, blow; damage, loss;—what is struck; object aimed at; range:—zad-o-kob, s.f. Beating and thumping; assault and battery; fight, conflict (syn. mār-pīṭ).
زيد zaid inf. n. of زيد 'to increase'
A زيد zaid (inf. n. of زيد 'to increase'), s.m. Increasing, augmenting, adding; increase, augmentation;—a fictitious name (often used, with ʻamar, as John Nokes with Thomas Styles in English).
زڙ ziṛ for जिड़=जड
H زڙ ziṛ (for जिड़=जड), s.f.=zaṭal, q.v.
جڙ जड़ jaṛ
H جڙ जड़ jaṛ [Prk. जडो; S. जडः], adj. & s.m. Cold, frigid, chilly; motionless, apathetic, senseless, unfeeling; stolid, stupid, idiotic; irrational, inanimate, material; dumb;—a senseless, apathetic, or unfeeling person; a dumb person; an inanimate body, anything void of life; a stupid person, an idiot, a dolt, blockhead:—jaṛ-buddhi, s.f. Dulness of intellect, stupidity:—jaṛ bharat, s.m. A dull or stupid person, an idiot:—jaṛ padārth, s.m. Any substance that is void of animation:—jaṛ-jīv, s.m. A brute; an unfeeling creature (applied to beasts and men):—jaṛ-ćarćā, s.f. Inquiry into the nature of inanimate things:—jaṛ-ćaryā, s.m. The action or property of any manimate substance:—jaṛ-kriya, adj. & s.m. Working slowly or stupidly, dilatory; a dilatory or sluggish person.
جعد jaʻd
A جعد jaʻd, s.f. Crisp or curly hair; a ringlet, a lock of hair.