Malikzada Javed
Ghazal 35
Sher-o-Shayari 5
miyāñ us shaḳhs se hoshiyār rahnā
sabhī se jhuk ke jo miltā bahut hai
miyan us shaKHs se hoshiyar rahna
sabhi se jhuk ke jo milta bahut hai
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zindagī ek kahānī ke sivā kuchh bhī nahīñ
log kirdār nibhāte hue mar jaate haiñ
zindagi ek kahani ke siwa kuchh bhi nahin
log kirdar nibhate hue mar jate hain
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jal ga.e phir se kuchh hasīñ rishte
tanziya guftugū kī bhaTTī meñ
jal gae phir se kuchh hasin rishte
tanziya guftugu ki bhaTTi mein
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kam-umrī meñ sunet haiñ
mar jaate haiñ achchhe log
kam-umri mein sunet hain
mar jate hain achchhe log
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Poet reciting own poetry

Malikzada Jawed is the son of eminet poet, orator, Malik Zada Manzoor. Jawed poetry/articles usually get published in various literary magazines. He has his own diction and style that has its own charm. Malikzada Javed

Malikzada Jawed is the son of eminet poet, orator, Malik Zada Manzoor. Jawed poetry/articles usually get published in various literary magazines. He has his own diction and style that has its own charm. Malikzada Javed

Malikzada Jawed is the son of eminet poet, orator, Malik Zada Manzoor. Jawed poetry/articles usually get published in various literary magazines. He has his own diction and style that has its own charm. Malikzada Javed