Profile of Aqib Sabir
Born : 12 Oct 1994 | Richha, Uttar pradesh
phir vahī ḳhvāb vahī zid nahīñ 'āqib-sābir'
ham usūloñ se baġhāvat nahīñ karne vaale
phir wahi KHwab wahi zid nahin 'aqib-sabir'
hum usulon se baghawat nahin karne wale
Aqib Sabir was born on October 12, 1994, in Richa, Uttar Pradesh. He is a prominent voice among the emerging generation of Urdu poets, celebrated for his unique style and ability to captivate audiences with his mesmerizing recitations. His poetry reflects a delicate balance of tradition and innovation, resonating with listeners through its heartfelt emotions and poetic elegance. Aqib’s ability to render both his own poetry and the works of other poets with exceptional charm sets him apart, making his recitations a delightful experience for audiences.
His association with the esteemed platform Rekhta further highlights his standing in the literary world. As a reciter for many of Rekhta’s iconic videos, his voice has become synonymous with eloquence and emotional depth.
In his poetic creations, Aqib masterfully blends the classical essence of Urdu ghazals with a modern perspective, often incorporating a subtle yet impactful use of Persian phrases and terms. His verses delve into timeless themes such as love, separation, and the intricacies of life, painting vivid images with simplicity and grace. Aqib’s unique style not only uplifts his craft but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the beauty of Urdu poetry among audiences and fellow poets alike.