Profile of Jamal Ehsani
Pen Name : 'Jamal'
Real Name : Jamal Ehsani
Born : 21 Apr 1951 | Sargodha, Punjab
Died : 10 Feb 1998
yaad rakhnā hī mohabbat meñ nahīñ hai sab kuchh
bhuul jaanā bhī baḌī baat huā kartī hai
yaad rakhna hi mohabbat mein nahin hai sab kuchh
bhul jaana bhi baDi baat hua karti hai
Jamal Ehsani was born in Sargodha, Pakistan on April 21, 1951. He did his primary education from the same city and then shifted to Karachi at very young age. He carried on with his studies in Karachi and did a variety of jobs. His two poetry books went to print during his lifetime and one, when he was no more, with help from Dr. Fatima Hasan. His complete work of poetry that has been published is entitled Kulliyat-e-Jamal (2008), which is highly appreciated by a large number of Urdu shayars. He passed away on February 10, 1998 in Karachi.