رات रात rāt
H رات रात rāt [Prk. रत्ती; S. रात्रिः], s.f. Night:—rāt-bas-kar, adv. After staying a night or for the night:—rāt-bhar, adv. The whole night, all night:—rāt thoṛī aur sāng bahut, 'The night is short and the business great (or the play long)'; much to do and little time to do it in, or the task is arduous and the time short; (cf. Ars longa vita brevis, and 'Art is long and time is fleeting'):—rāt-ćar, s.m. lit. 'Night-wanderer'; a goblin, evil spirit; a thief:—rāt-din, adv. Night and day, continually:—rāt-din-barābar-ćakr, s.m. The equinoctial line:—rāt-din barābar honā, Day and night to be equal:—rāt-ko, rāt-ke waqt, adv. At night, by night, during the night:—rāt-kī rāt, adv. For one night, for the night, the one night; the night long, the whole night:—rāt-meṅ, adv. In the night, at night (=rāk-ko):—rāt-wālā, s.m. The bird of night, the owl; cholera (used by women):—rātoṅ-rāt, adv. In the middle of the night; during the whole night; night after night:—ādhī rāt, s.f. Midnight:—baṛī rāt, adv. Late at night, in the dead of night:—bhārī rāt, s.f. A long, wearisome, or bad night.
رت रत rat
H رت रत rat, s.f. Attachment; addiction (to); intentness, &c. (=رتي rati, q.v.):—rat-ghaṭ, s.f. Toil and trouble, labour and pains.
ريت रेत ret
H ريت रेत ret [S. रेत (rt. री)+जा], s.f. Sand; filings.
رٿ रट raṭ v.n. fr. raṭnā, q.v.
H رٿ रट raṭ (v.n. fr. raṭnā, q.v.), s.f.=ratnā, q.v.
ريت रीत rīt
H ريت रीत rīt [S. रीतिः], s.f. General course or way, method, mode, manner, fashion, sort; usage, observance, custom, practice, habit; rite, ceremony; rule, regulation; plan, scheme (syn. rasm; qāʻida; tarkīb):—rīt-rasm, s.f. Manners and customs, usages, observances, &c.:—rīt-se, adv. Methodically; in a (certain) manner (e.g. is rīt-se, 'in this way'; 'accordingly'; burī rīt-se, 'in a bad manner,' 'badly'); according to custom:—an-rīt, or be-rīt, adj. Contrary to custom, irregular, unlawful; ill-fashioned; disagreeable; bad:—naʼī rīt karnā, To introduce a new custom, &c.; to make an innovation.